Page 14 - EurOil Week 42 2022
P. 14

EurOil                                            POLICY                                               EurOil

       Brussels puts off gas price cap proposal

       in latest measures to ease energy crisis

        EUROPE           THE European Commission has proposed a raft   pipeline gas prices, no longer reflects the market
                         of new measures to tackle soaring energy prices,  adequately since the loss of significant Russian
       There is still a lot of   but has avoided suggesting an immediate cap on  supply and a surge in LNG imports. A separate
       disagreement among   gas prices as member states remain divided over  proposal will pave the way for EU countries
       member states.    the issue.                           to make joint purchases of gas for storage, to
                           Most member states say they want the cap to  expand stored volumes ahead of winter next year
                         be imposed on the price that is paid to wholesale  and have greater leverage to secure lower prices.
                         suppliers. But others fear that it will further exac-  Countries would need to buy no less than
                         erbate supply shortages, by creating an incentive  15% jointly of the volume of gas needed for the
                         to supply their gas instead to markets that offer a  EU to meet its storage target of 90% capacity by
                         higher price. Discussions over the proposal have  the start of November nast year. It will be up to
                         dragged on for months.               national governments to get companies in their
                           Rather than set out a clear proposal, the Euro-  countries to participate in the system.
                         pean Commission said on October 18 it would   “We know that we are strong when we act
                         ask EU countries for their approval to draft plans  together … the member states and the energy
                         for a temporary “maximum dynamic price” on  companies should leverage their joint purchas-
                         transactions at the Dutch TTF gas hub, which is  ing power,” European Commission President
                         the main benchmark for European gas trading.  Ursula von der Leyen commented.
                         But the Commission added it would only con-  Meanwhile, the Commission also suggested
                         sider this a “last-resort measure,” and that the  energy companies could get bank or public guar-
                         price limit would need to fulfil conditions.  antees to cover “margin calls” on energy trans-
                           Other measures that the Commission pro-  actions, as the energy crisis has left some firms
                         posed included curbing prices by adjusting  struggling to do this only with gas.
                         energy market rules. Trading venues would be   Furthermore, the Commission wants the
                         required by January 31 to introduce upper and  almost €40bn ($39bn) of unspent bloc budget
                         lower price limits each day on front-month gas  funds to be set aside for vulnerable citizens and
                         contracts to reduce volatility.      businesses struggling with high prices.
                           The Commission has also called on energy   The proposals will be discussed by EU
                         regulators to introduce an alternative bench-  national leaders on October 20 and 21, and could
                         mark price for LNG by the end of March next  well hit a deadlock or could be altered during the
                         year, recognising that TTF, mainly based on  course of negotiations. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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