Page 11 - EurOil Week 42 2022
P. 11

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       NLNG’s force majeure declaration leads

       Galp to assess impact on supplies

        PORTUGAL         PORTUGAL’S oil and gas company Galp Ener-  investment bank, had identified Portugal and
                         gia indicated on October 17 that it was assessing  the UK-based major Shell as the parties that
       NLNG declared a force   the impact on its supply chain after receiving  faced the most risk as a result of the shutdown
       majeure over “extensive   notice that the Nigeria LNG (NLNG) consor-  at NLNG.
       flooding” that has   tium had declared force majeure on deliveries.  Galp is contracted to buy about 1mn tonnes
       affected Nigerian   In a statement, the company reported that  per year (tpy) of LNG from NLNG’s first three
       production.       NLNG had notified it of the declaration, which  production trains under a 10-year deal signed in
                         affected both LNG and natural gas liquids  2020. It has also arranged to purchase 1.42mn
                         (NGLs), following widespread floods in Nige-  tpy of remarketed LNG from Trains 4 and 5.
                         ria. The consortium reported in its notice that it   NLNG exported 18 cargoes of LNG in Sep-
                         had interrupted shipments due to the “extensive  tember, according to Refinitiv data cited by
                         flooding being experienced in Nigeria, causing  Reuters. It will not be able to match that figure in
                         a substantial reduction in the production and  October, as the flooding that triggered the dec-
                         supply of liquefied natural gas and natural gas  laration of force majeure led the consortium’s
                         liquids,” Galp said.                 upstream suppliers to curtail production.
                           It went on to say that it was preparing for the   Equity in the NLNG consortium is split
                         possibility that its own LNG supplies might be  between Nigerian National Petroleum Co. Ltd
                         disrupted, even though it did not have any con-  (NNPCL), with 49%; Shell (UK), with 25.6%;
                         crete information to confirm this. “At this stage,  TotalEnergies (France), with 15%; and Eni
                         no information was provided to support an  (Italy), with 10.4%. State-owned NNPCL serves
                         assessment of potential impacts from this event,  as operator of the group.
                         which may however result in additional sourcing   The consortium brought its first production
                         disruptions to Galp,” the statement said.  train on stream in 1999 and now has six pro-
                           NLNG, the operator of Nigeria’s only large-  duction trains capable of turning out a total of
                         scale gas liquefaction plant, is a major supplier of  22.5 mn tpy. The complex’s installed capacity
                         LNG to Portugal. In 2021, it accounted for about  is now set to rise to 30mn tpy as a result of the
                         half of the LNG delivered to that country – which  Train 7 project, which envisions the construc-
                         is, along with other EU member states, nervous  tion of a seventh production train that can turn
                         about securing adequate fuel supplies ahead of  out 4.2mn tpy, as well as the debottlenecking of
                         the coming winter. Reuters noted on October  existing trains, which will add another 3.4mn tpy
                         18 that Jefferies, a New York-headquartered  of capacity. ™

       Week 42   20•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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