Page 7 - EurOil Week 42 2022
P. 7

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       Russia moots plan for making Turkey

       a major hub for its gas supplies

      Russia is looking to expand the TurkStream pipeline to the capacity originally

      envisaged when the project was conceived.

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin has pro-  Russia has four routes for sending gas to
                         posed establishing Turkey as a hub for delivering  Europe. First is the Ukrainian gas system, where
       WHAT:             gas supplies to the EU, in response to the multiple  the gas continues to flow despite the war. It had
       Moscow and Ankara have   leaks that have rendered the Nord Stream 1 and  the capacity to flow upwards of 100bn cubic
       discussed establishing   2 pipelines inoperable. The proposal has been  metres of gas prior to the war, but since then
       Turkey as a hub for   warmly received by the government in Ankara,  Ukraine has shut down one of its two border
       Russian gas.      but implementing such a project may prove diffi-  points, claiming the theft of supplies by Rus-
                         cult. Turkey could face a potential backlash from  sian proxies. Ukraine and Russia are also in a
       WHY:              the West, while Russia would likely have to cover  renewed dispute over gas transit payments, rais-
       With the Nord Stream and   most of the funding. The project also assumes  ing the risk that deliveries could be shut down
       Yamal-Europe pipelines   that some parts of Europe will continue buying  altogether.
       now out of action,   Russian gas, despite the EU’s ambition to phase   Meanwhile, the 33 bcm per year Yamal-Eu-
       Moscow wants to expand   out imports, and increasing access to LNG and  rope pipeline that runs through Belarus and
       other export routes.  other alternative sources of supply.  Poland to Germany has been rendered inoper-
                           Putin discussed the proposal with his Turkish  able since the war started as a result of sanctions
       WHAT NEXT:        counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the side-  and counter-sanctions that Russia and Poland
       How much extra gas   lines of a regional leaders summit in Kazakh-  have imposed on each other.
       Europe will be interested   stan’s capital Astana.       Then there are the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipe-
       in receiving from Russia   “If Turkey and our possible buyers in other  lines, with capacities of 55 bcm per year each.
       will depend on EU   countries are interested, we could consider  Gazprom has acknowledged that a large part of
       resolve.          building another gas pipeline system and creat-  Nord Stream will likely need to be replaced as a
                         ing a gas hub in Turkey for sales to third coun-  result of the leaks. Company CEO Alexei Miller
                         tries, especially, of course, the European ones, if  estimated on October 12 that it would take more
                         they are interested in this, of course,” Putin said.  than a year for the repairs to be completed. One
                           Erdogan noted that both Turkey and Russia  of the two Nord Stream 2 strings is undamaged,
                         had instructed their respective energy authori-  and Russia has suggested it could be used to
                         ties to immediately start technical studies on the  deliver gas if the necessary certification process
                         plan. According to Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller,  is completed in Germany. Germany could agree
                         the project could involve constructing new  to do this, depending on the stress that its energy
                         pipelines in parallel to the existing TurkStream  system suffers this winter. Several prominent
                         pipeline                             German politicians have called on Berlin to do
                           “Together with Mr. Putin, we have instructed  this, but so far German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s
                         our ministry of energy and natural resources,  government has not raised this option.
                         and the relevant institution on the Russian side,   This leaves only the 31.5 bcm per year Turk-
                         to work together,” Erdogan said. “They will con-  Stream, which runs under the Black Sea and
                         duct this study. Wherever the most appropriate  makes landfall in west Turkey. But one of its
                         place is, we will hopefully establish this distribu-  two strings is used to supply the Turkish mar-
                         tion centre here.”                   ket, leaving only 15.75 bcm per year of capacity

       Week 42   20•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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