Page 10 - EurOil Week 42 2022
P. 10

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       MOL chairman says short-term political

       decisions drive business policy in Hungary

        HUNGARY          CHAIRMAN-CEO of Hungarian oil and gas  will drain financing resources for investments
                         giant MOL Zsolt Hernadi criticised the govern-  and the consequences will be felt in 5-10 years.
       The two countries are   ment’s response to the energy crisis at a confer-  Short-term political interests are driving
       looking to bring Caspian  ence on October 20, saying the windfall taxes  economic decisions with long-term impacts
       gas to Romania in LNG   will hurt investment and that state interventions  and recent measures such as price caps or extra
       form.             will be costly.                      taxes show that “the economy is managed from
                           Hernadi started out his presentation at the  the backrooms of government”, according to
                         Budapest Economic Forum 2022 with a quote  Hernadi.
                         from Mike Tyson saying “everyone has a plan   Political decisions will be shaping global eco-
                         until they get punched in the mouth” referring  nomic developments as well, Hernadi said, refer-
                         to uncertainties in business planning after the  ring to the policy of sanctions by Europe and the
                         government introduced windfall taxes in the  United States.
                         summer and price regulations to rein in the   The era of cheap energy is over, the world
                         budget deficit.                      is heading toward a bipolar world order led by
                           MOL accounts for some 30% of total pro-  China and US and in this global game Russia is
                         ceeds from the windfall taxes, some HUF240bn  drifting toward China which will have serious
                         (€581mn) based on the HUF800bn targeted by  consequences.
                         the government.  Including fuel price caps this   Europe has been dependent on Russian
                         ratio goes up to 50%, he added. The government  energy for too long and after the sanctions it
                         froze retail and wholesale fuel prices at HUF480  needs to find alternative sources for 39% of nat-
                         per litre a year ago, which has led to supply  ural gas, 27% of oil and 10% of its gasoline needs.
                         crunches as demand continued to rise. The price   Europe will face supply problems next winter,
                         freeze also meant huge losses for small petrol sta-  he said. To ensure energy security, there must be
                         tion operators accounting for a third of the fuel  enough and affordable energy, countries must
                         network.                             spend heavily to minimise dependence on Rus-
                           “We need to know if these are temporary solu-  sian energy sources and continue the green tran-
                         tions,” Hernadi said, adding that the measures  sition. ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2022
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