Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 15
Frontera announces
hydrocarbon discovery at
Jandaya-1 well in Ecuador
Frontera Energy has discovered hydrocarbons
at the Jandaya-1 exploration well on the Perico
block (Frontera 50% working interest and oper-
ator, GeoPark 50% working interest) in Ecuador.
Orlando Cabrales, CEO of Frontera, com-
mented: “We are pleased to announce a discov-
ery at the Jandaya-1 exploration well. Jandaya-1 produces more than 500,000 bpd. the technology from the early stages of the pro-
is Frontera’s first operated well in Ecuador and Frontera Energy, January 19 2022 cess, for the definition and development of the
the first well drilled on acreage awarded dur- solution to be adopted in the final product. The
ing Ecuador’s 2019 Intracampos Bid Round. Petrobras begins goal is to make the technology not only feasible,
Thanks to strong support from the Government but also replicable and commercially advanta-
of Ecuador and the communities near the well- contracting supplier to geous to the market.
site, Jandaya-1 was drilled, completed and tested Since 2017, the companies have been con-
on-time and per our expectations. We anticipate develop patented HISEP® sulted to identify the equipment that had
putting the well on long term test in February already been developed by them and that could
2022, once permits are obtained. We’re optimis- technology be adapted for the project, as well as the main
tic that the Jandaya-1 well represents the first of existing technological bottlenecks so that the
many near field opportunities already identified Petrobras, the operator of the Libra consortium, project could become a reality. Over the years,
across the Perico block.” started contracting suppliers to execute the conceptual studies and performance tests have
The Jandaya-1 exploration well was spud on design, construction, installation and testing of been successfully developed with the partner-
December 7, 2021 to test an exploration prospect HISEP®, a technology patented by the company ships, such as verification of the performance of
in the northeastern portion of the block. The well that aims to separate and reinject, still on the subsea centrifugal pumps for injection of dense
was drilled to a total depth of 10,975 feet (3,345 seabed, gas with high CO2 content produced gas, rich in CO2.
metres) and a total of 78 feet vertical depth of alongside with the oil. The contracting started The Libra Consortium is operated by Petro-
potential hydrocarbon bearing reservoir was after conceptual evaluations and pilot tests bras (40%), in partnership with Shell (20%),
encountered in three formations. The initial were completed onshore, when Petrobras and Total (20%), CNPC (10%) and CNOOC Ltd
24-hour test average flow rate for the Lower Hol- the supplier companies worked in partnership (10%), and is managed by Pré-Sal Petróleo SA
lin formation was approximately 750 bpd and to carry out conceptual studies and to validate (PPSA).
1mn cubic feet per day of gas for a total of 925 the performance of the underwater pumps that Petrobras, January 19 2022
boepd with an average water cut of 17%. Well will reinject the CO2-rich gas into the reservoir.
clean up and additional flow testing in two other The expectation is that the manufacturer will be Maersk Drilling awarded
zones will be completed in the coming weeks. selected by August/2022 and that the equipment
Frontera is now preparing the required per- will be installed in 2025. one-well extension for
mits to move forward with a long term test for HISEP® could open up a new frontier of
at least six months or a longer period of time if exploration and development of deepwater and Maersk Valiant offshore
approved by authorities. In parallel, the co-ven- ultra-deepwater oil production in regions where
turers will prepare the environmental impact reservoir fluids with high gas-to-oil ratio and Suriname
assessment for obtaining a production environ- CO2 content are present. HISEP® will provide
mental license. Additional appraisal activities increased oil production by freeing up space in TotalEnergies E&P Suriname, Suriname Branch
will be conducted in the near future to confirm the surface gas processing plant. Pilot testing is has exercised an option to add the drilling of one
size and mid- to long-term production levels. planned to be carried out in the Mero 3 area, additional well in Block 58 offshore Suriname to
In addition, Frontera expects to spud the which is expected to go into production in 2024. the work scope of the drillship Maersk Valiant.
Tui-1 exploration well in the southern portion After two years of testing, with the technology The contract extension has an estimated dura-
of the Perico block in February 2022. The Tui-1 proven, HISEP® may be used in other areas, such tion of 100 days, with work expected to com-
exploration well is located approximately 6 km as Libra Central and Jupiter, where the innova- mence in March 2022 in direct continuation
from the Jandaya-1 well and is expected to be tion has the potential to make the production of the rig’s previously agreed work scope. The
drilled to a total depth of approximately 10,972 development project feasible. Once the HISEP® contract value of the extension is approximately
feet. Additional prospects on the Perico block technology is proven, it will also be possible to $20.5mn, including integrated services pro-
have been identified and are being matured for develop offshore production units with smaller vided. Two one-well options remain on Maersk
future drilling. and less complex gas processing plants, which Valiant’s contract with TotalEnergies.
Frontera holds approximately 16,700 net have lower construction costs and deadlines, as Maersk Valiant is a high-specification sev-
acres in the Perico and Espejo exploration blocks well as lower operating costs. enth-generation drillship with integrated Man-
in Ecuador. The blocks are located near existing Petrobras has been in partnership with mar- aged Pressure Drilling capability which was
production and infrastructure in Sucumbíos ket companies in the manner understood by delivered in 2013. It is currently operating for
Province in the northeastern part of Ecuador, in the concept of early engagement – i.e., with the TotalEnergies offshore Suriname.
the Oriente basin. The Oriente basin currently involvement of suppliers in the development of Maersk Drilling, January 14 2022
Week 03 20•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15