Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 10

LatAmOil                                        ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

       Wintershall to drop assets

       in both Brazil and Argentina

                         WINTERSHALL  Dea (Germany) has       Other plans in Argentina
                         announced plans to unload assets in Brazil and   Meanwhile, Wieland noted that Wintershall was
                         Argentina this week.                 not looking to exit Argentina. He pointed out,
                           In a press release dated January 17, the Ger-  though, that the sale of the Aguada Federal and
                         man company stated that it was terminating   Bandurria Norte stakes would allow the com-
                         all of its operations in Brazil. It said it did not   pany to optimise its investments in gas produc-
                         intend to keep the non-operating stakes it had   tion in that country.
                         acquired in nine exploration blocks in the Cam-  “With the sale of our interests in Aguada Fed-
                         pos, Ceará, Potiguar and Santos basins during   eral and Bandurria Norte, we are focusing our
                         various bidding rounds in 2018 and 2019.  activities in Argentina on gas production. Here
                           Wintershall has no outstanding operational   we have a strong position in the country, with
                         or financial commitments under any of the con-  projects in Tierra del Fuego and Neuquén, that
                         tracts for these sites, the press release said. As   contribute significantly to Argentina’s energy
                         such, the company will be able to exit the blocks   supply,” he said.
                         once it takes all of the necessary legal steps to   He was referring to the Cuenca Marina
                         do so.                               Austral block offshore Tierra del Fuego, which
                           Thilo Wieland, the Wintershall board mem-  accounts for about 16% of Argentina’s current
                         ber responsible for operations related to Rus-  natural gas production, and also to the Aguada
                         sia, Latin America and transportation, said the   Pichana Este block in the Neuquén basin, where
                         company was taking this step as part of a wider   Wintershall is working with TotalEnergies
                         effort to focus on natural gas production and on   (France), Pan American Energy (Argentina)
                         selected oil projects with lower carbon emis-  and the national oil company (NOC) YPF to
                         sions and environmental risks. “This decision   extract dry gas.
                         is the result of a very thorough analysis of our   According to Wieland, Wintershall and its
                         global portfolio and evaluation of individual   partners are also close to committing to another
                         projects and how they fit with our long-term   gas project in southern Argentina. This project
                         strategy,” he commented.             will target the Fenix field, which lies about 60 km
                           In a separate press release issued the same   offshore Tierra del Fuego, and operator TotalEn-
                         day, the German company said it had decided   ergies is moving towards making a final invest-
                         to sell its stake in two unconventional gas blocks   ment decision (FID), he said.
                         in Argentina, Aguada Federal and Bandurria   “We will focus on the further development
                         Norte, to a local subsidiary of its partner Vista   of this important gas cluster in the south of the
                         Oil. The two sides have struck a deal that will   country, which offers a promising future pro-
                         allow Vista, a Mexico-based company, to raise   ject with Fenix ... With the project expected to
                         its holdings in the project from 50% to 100% and   deliver additional significant natural gas vol-
                         assume operatorship, it stated.      umes for more than 15 years, we are reaffirming
                           Wintershall did not disclose the value of   our long-term commitment to Argentina,” he
                         the deal, but Vista said earlier this week that it   said. ™
                         had agreed to pay $140mn. It said it intended to
                         make an up-front payment of $90mn by January
                         18 and would pay off the remaining $50mn in
                         eight instalments.
                           Vista is a relative newcomer to the uncon-
                         ventional gas project, which targets reserves in
                         Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale formation. It only
                         recently acquired a non-operating 50% stake in
                         the blocks from ConocoPhillips (US).
                           Miguel Galuccio, the chairman and CEO of
                         the Mexican company, said he expected the deal
                         with Wintershall to benefit Vista. “This deal is a
                         unique opportunity that allows us to continue
                         expanding our leadership in Vaca Muerta and
                         to reaffirm our commitment to its development
                         by incorporating high-potential assets, in which
                         we plan to capture significant operational syner-
                         gies,” he stated.                                 Wintershall assets in Argentina and Brazil (Images: Wintershall)

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