Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 13

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Eco (Atlantic) Oil and Gas

       announces further share

       purchase in JHI

       Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, the oil and gas explo-
       ration company focused on the offshore Atlantic
       Margins, is pleased to announce that it has pur-
       chased an additional 800,000 common shares
       in JHI Associates Inc. (JHI) in return for 1.2mn
       new common shares in Eco. The purchase of the
       800,000 common shares in JHI is expected to be
       completed on January 21, 2022, increasing the
       total number of shares currently held by Eco in
       JHI to 5.8mn shares.
         As announced on June 28, 2021, Eco acquired  Common Shares. The above figure may be used  American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), each
       5mn common shares, representing a 6.4% inter-  by shareholders as the denominator for the  ADR representing two (2) Shares.
       est in JHI, a private Canadian company, which  calculations by which they will determine if   In addition, the Company informs that the
       holds a 17.5% working interest in the Guyana  they are required to notify their interest in, or a  Notice to the Market and the Preliminary Pro-
       Canje Block. The Operator of the Canje block,  change to their interest in, the share capital of the  spectus of the Offering were published on this
       ExxonMobil, and block partners are working to  Company.                  date. The application for registration of the
       technically define additional drilling prospects   Gil Holzman, Co-Founder and CEO of Eco  Offering is currently under analysis by CVM,
       in the Cretaceous and deeper in the Santonian,  Atlantic, commented: ”We are committed to  and the Offering is subject to its prior approval.
       where the Sapote-1 well recorded hydrocarbon  creating material value for our shareholders   The total number of Shares to be offered by
       shows while drilling in 2021 and following the  through a multi catalyst, high impact, explora-  Petrobras under the Offering will be 75,704,061
       January 2022 Santonian Fangtooth-1 discovery  tion portfolio. As such, we are pleased to increase  class A preferred shares of Braskem.
       on the prolific Stabroek Block offshore Guyana.  our exposure in the Canje Block by building our   Petrobras, January 14 2022
         Following the above purchase, Eco will hold  equity holding in JHI. This also marks another
       a total of 5.8mn common shares in JHI, repre-  step in the broader consolidation amongst
       senting approximately 7.35% of the issued com-  smaller exploration players, in which we want to  PERFORMANCE
       mon shares in JHI. Eco also retains a warrant to  lead. Following the work undertaken on Canje
       subscribe for a further 9,155,471 new common  in 2021, which ExxonMobil and partners in the   Gran Tierra Energy issues
       shares in JHI at an exercise price of $2.0 per share  block continue to review, and after the recent
       for a period of 18 months. If the JHI Warrant is  highly positive drilling results on the nearby   new corporate update
       exercised in full, Eco will hold an interest, ceteris  Stabroek block, we believe this to be another
       paribus, of 11.4% in JHI on a fully diluted basis.  exciting opportunity in our portfolio.”  Gran Tierra Energy is pleased to announce a
         This investment is consistent with Eco’s   Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, January 19 2022  corporate update.
       strategy to create shareholder value through                               Significant Debt Reduction: Gran Tierra’s
       advanced exploration programs on the off-  Petrobras reports on          credit facility has been reduced to a remaining
       shore Atlantic margins for advantaged barrels as                         balance of $67.5mn as of December 31, 2021,
       developing nations bridge the essential reserve   sale of stake in Braskem   down $122.5mn or 64% from a balance of
       requirements through the stages of the energy                            $190mn as of December 31, 2020. With forecast
       transition.                         chemical company                     2022 free cash flow and recovery of tax receiv-
         Further details regarding the JHI Investment:                          ables, Gran Tierra expects to fully pay off the
       As at December 31, 2020, JHI had net assets of  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  remaining balance of its credit facility in the first
       approximately $46.3mn and recorded a net loss  on December 16, 2021, informs its sharehold-  half of 2022.
       of approximately $8.28mn. Based on the closing  ers and the market in general that it has applied   Key Upcoming 2022 Catalysts: At a $70 per
       share price of Eco on January 18, 2022 the Con-  to register with the Brazilian Securities and  barrel Brent price, Gran Tierra’s 2022 capital pro-
       sideration Shares are valued at approximately  Exchange Commission (CVM), on January  gramme of $220-240mn is expected to generate
       GBP312,000.                         14, 2022, the request for registration of a public  2022 cash flow of $270-290mn and EBITDA of
         Application has been made for admission of  offering for secondary distribution of class “A”  $360-380mn. At an $80 per barrel Brent price,
       the Consideration Shares, which will rank pari  preferred shares issued by Braskem and held by  the Company forecasts 2022 cash flow of $330-
       passu with existing Common Shares, to trad-  Petrobras and NSP Investimentos SA Em Recu-  350mn and EBITDA of $440-460mn.
       ing on AIM. It is expected that Admission will  peração Judicial, pursuant to article 6th-A of   The Company’s development programme
       become effective and trading will commence at  CVM Instruction n. 400, of December 29, 2003,  continues to focus on asset optimisation, main-
       8:00 a.m. on January 24, 2022.      as amended, to be simultaneously distributed (i)  taining a low operating cost structure and
         Following Admission, the enlarged issued  in Brazil, and (ii) abroad, in the form of Amer-  increasing oil recovery factors across its exten-
       share capital of the Company will be 202,693,635  ican Depositary Shares (ADSs), represented by  sive portfolio.

       Week 03   20•January•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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