Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 03 2022
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LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
According to the statement, this process the new hires and to existing personnel to ensure
involved, among other things, the issuance of that all inspectors were properly informed on
an official order authorising GNBS to measure their job functions and on safety procedures for
and certify the crude oil being lifted onto the offshore facilities. As a result, it said, GNBS is
Liza Destiny, the floating production, storage now ready to take responsibility for monitoring
and off-loading (FPSO) unit installed at Liza-1. and testing of crude lifted onto both the Liza
Since then, bureau inspectors have been travel- Destiny and Liza Unity FPSOs.
ling to the vessel on a rotational basis to carry As of this January, it added, bureau inspec-
out monitoring operations. tors will be checking for two of the five rele-
In 2021, GNBS took further steps to optimise vant parameters. Once they acquire additional
and streamline its operations by establishing a equipment, as they are expected to do very soon,
specialised oil and gas department. they will be able to assess “density and viscos-
It also brought its own standards related ity, basic sediments and water, salt in crude,
to the accuracy of tank gauging, flow meters, hydrogen sulphur in crude and water content,”
sampling and testing of crude in line with those it explained.
used by the American Petroleum Institute (API) Liza-1, located within the Stabroek block, is
and signed a memorandum of understanding currently yielding around 120,000 barrels per
(MoU) with API to fortify its relationship with day (bpd) of crude oil. The Liza-2 field, mean-
that body. while, is slated to come on stream before the end
Additionally, ahead of the arrival of the Liza of the first quarter of this year and will produce
Unity FPSO at the Liza-2 field, the bureau hired around 220,000 bpd. Both are being developed
six new inspectors to manage monitoring oper- by a consortium led by a unit of ExxonMobil
ations at both sites. It provided training to both (US).
Petrobras meets 2021 production targets
BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-
bras indicated last week that it had slightly
exceeded its production targets by around 4%
in 2021.
In a statement dated January 14, the state-
owned company reported that it had extracted
a total of 2.77mn barrels of oil equivalent per
day, 1.8% above the projected amount of 2.72mn
boepd. It also reported that it had produced
2.22mn barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and
natural gas liquids (NGLs), up by 0.45% on the
projected figure of 2.21%. Meanwhile, yields
of crude, NGLs and commercial gas came to
2.46mn boepd, or 1.2% above the projected fig-
ure of 2.43mn boepd.
Petrobras said it had been able to reach its
production targets because it had concentrated
its efforts on developing its deepwater and The NOC has focused on deepwater and ultra-deepwater projects (Photo: Petrobras)
ultra-deepwater assets. The company has a com-
petitive advantage on this front and can extract at the Carioca, the first floating production, stor-
high-quality crude with relatively low carbon age and off-loading (FPSO) vessel at the Sépia
dioxide emissions, it stated. field, and the signing and commencement of the
It backed up its assertions about deepwater co-participation agreement covering the Búzios
and ultra-deepwater development by noting oilfield. (Both Sépia and Búzios are in the pre-
that oilfields in the pre-salt section of Brazil’s off- salt section of the Santos basin.)
shore zone had accounted for no less than 70% Additionally, Petrobras hailed “the con-
of its production last year. Pre-salt fields yielded clusion of the sale of the totality of its stake in
no less than 1.95mn boepd in 2021, it explained, the offshore fields of Frade, in [the] Campos
without saying whether this was in line with its basin; and Lapa, in the Santos Basin pre-salt;
projections. the onshore clusters of Rio Ventura, Miranga
The NOC went on to say that it had achieved and Remanso, in Bahia; and Cricaré, in Espírito
several upstream milestones in 2021. It listed two Santo; and the onshore fields of Dó-Ré-Mi and
of those milestones as the launch of production Rabo Branco, in Sergipe.”
Week 03 20•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P9