Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         The closest thing to an upset was the decision   initiative was designed to favour state-owned
                         in late November by the Committee on Foreign   fossil fuel producers such as Pemex at the
                         Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to delay   expense of the renewable energy industry.
                         the transfer of a 50.01% stake in the Deer Park   “President Lopez Obrador’s policy agenda
                         refinery in Texas from Shell (UK) to Mexico’s   prioritises carbon-intensive, polluting and
                         national oil company (NOC) Pemex for several   more expensive energy sources simply because
                         weeks. (In the end, though, the delay was only   the output is state-owned,” wrote Senators Bob
                         temporary, and the sale has now been finalised.)  Menendez, Brian Schatz, Tim Kaine and Jeff
                           This week, though, Biden’s Secretary of   Merkley, all members of Biden’s Democrat
                         Energy Jennifer Granholm publicly criticised   Party. “It would also threaten at least $44bn in
                         the Mexican government’s energy policy. Dur-  private investment in Mexico’s energy sector,
                         ing a meeting with Lopez Obrador in Mexico   will negatively impact US private sector invest-
                         City, she expressed concern about the presiden-  ment in Mexico and is antithetical to the histor-
                         tial administration’s bid to change the constitu-  ically strong US-Mexico economic relationship.
                         tion to guarantee that a state-owned company,   Co-operation with Mexico on clean energy
                         the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE),   development, including the cultivation of crit-
                         dominates the national power market. (The   ical minerals, is essential to advancing compe-  Biden’s team
                         proposed constitutional amendment has been   tition with China and to ensure cost-efficient   is more likely
                         submitted to the Mexican legislature and will   energy generation for the people of Mexico.”
                         come up for a vote in April.)                                              to press Lopez
                                                              For renewables, but not O&G
                         Change of approach                   Going forward, then, it seems likely that Gra-  Obrador on
                         Granholm’s critique does represent a shift in the   nholm and other members of Biden’s team are
                         Biden administration’s approach to Mexican   likely to press Lopez Obrador on matters of   matters of energy
                         energy policy. It appears to indicate that Wash-  energy policy when renewables are involved but   policy when
                         ington is ready to speak up in favour of US inter-  perhaps not as far as oil and gas are concerned.
                         ests, US investors and the kind of energy market   In other words, for the current US admin-  renewables are
                         access outlined in the US-Mexico-Canada   istration, this isn’t just a matter of free trade in
                         Agreement (USMCA) signed by Trump in 2020   principle or about the provisions of the USMCA  involved, but not
                         – but for renewable energy, not for oil and gas.  that guarantee Mexico autonomy in the area of
                           Speaking with Mexican Foreign Minister   domestic energy policy. It’s a matter of ensuring   on oil and gas
                         Marcelo Ebrard after her meeting with Lopez   that free trade and the USMCA are made to
                         Obrador, Granholm noted that the US gov-  work in the service of the right kind of energy
                         ernment was worried that the proposed con-  – which is, of course, renewable energy and not
                         stitutional amendment favouring CFE would   fossil fuels.
                         prevent US companies from investing in renew-  This is unfortunate for the US oil, gas and fuel
                         able energy projects. “Mexico has such an envi-  companies that have been harmed by the cur-
                         able, an amazing series of clean resources that   rent Mexican government’s approach to energy
                         we want to talk about. And like all friends, there   policy, as they are likely to continue being side-
                         may be issues we’re also going to work on, on   lined or paralysed by administrative measures
                         electricity reform,” she said.       and permit delays. Lopez Obrador is now trying
                           In a post on Twitter, Ebrard quoted her as   to introduce a constitutional amendment that
                         saying that US investors were keen on partici-  would give Pemex the same type of privileges
                         pating in the “enormous opportunity for renew-  that he wants to give CFE – and he may not do
                         able energy in North America.”       so, given that he does not have a large enough
                                                              majority in the legislature to secure a win.
                         Under pressure                         However, he has promised that his govern-
                         Granholm was not speaking in a political   ment will use every legal means within its power
                         vacuum.                              to give state-owned companies an edge in the
                           She travelled to Mexico City after four mem-  energy sector, and there is no reason to disbe-
                         bers of the US Senate said in a letter to her and   lieve him.
                         Secretary of State Antony Blinken that they were   For US investors, then, there are likely to be
                         concerned that Lopez Obrador’s constitutional   more battles ahead. ™

                                 Granholm (L) met with Lopez Obrador (R) in Mexico City on January 20 (Photo:

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