Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 03 2022
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY Y                                          LatAmOil

                                                 Granholm addresses the American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico City (Photo: Twitter/@SecGranholm)
       Biden team takes new tack

       on Mexican energy policy

       US Energy Secretary Granholm speaks up in favour of companies seeking to enter

       Mexican energy sector – but on behalf of investors in renewables, not for oil and gas

                         MEXICO’S current government, headed by   opponent Joe Biden would not make relations
                         President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, had   with Mexico (to say nothing of Mexican energy
       WHAT:             good reason to expect that the outcome of the   policy specifically) a top priority. This was so
       Energy Secretary Jennifer   US presidential election in 2020 would work in   partly because he knew Biden would be facing
       Granholm has criticised a   his favour, no matter the results.  urgent domestic issues related to the coronavi-
       proposed amendment to   On the one hand, Lopez Obrador got along   rus (COVID-19) pandemic and partly because
       Mexico’s constitution.  quite well with then-incumbent Donald Trump.   he could expect Biden to strike a different note
                         Despite Trump’s provocative remarks about ille-  on immigration issues. Additionally, he also
       WHY:              gal immigration into the US from Latin America   had reason to believe that the Republican legis-
       Mexico’s president wants   across the Mexican border, the two leaders were   lators who groused about obstacles to US invest-
       state-owned companies   both of a populist bent and dealt well with each   ment in the Mexican oil and gas sector would
       to lead the energy sector.  other.                     not receive much sympathy under the Biden
                           Their relationship was close enough that the   administration.
       WHAT NEXT:        Trump administration did not react much to
       Washington is not likely   Republican legislators’ complaints that Mexico’s   No initial surprises
       to throw much weight   government was taking a policy approach that   As it happens, Biden defeated Trump in 2020
       behind oil and gas com-
       panies affected by Lopez   damaged the interests of US companies working   and has now been in office for a year.
       Obrador’s preference for   in the Mexican energy sector.  And for most of that year, there have not been
       Pemex.              On the other hand, Lopez Obrador could   any major surprises in US-Mexico relations with
                         remain confident that Trump’s Democrat   respect to energy.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   20•January•2022
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