Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 40 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Commodity traders reportedly face

       margin calls amid gas price spike

        GLOBAL           THE global gas supply crisis looks set to take a  – a sector that has rapidly expanded in volumes
                         further turn for the worse, with the world’s top  in recent years and gained greater liquidity, pro-
                         commodity traders being told by brokers and  viding a greater opportunity for traders. Around
                         exchanges to deposit hundreds of millions of  45% of Gunvor’s hedging positions – totalling
                         dollars in extra funds to cover their exposure  $5.3bn in June – are related to gas and LNG,
                         to record-high gas prices, Reuters reported on  according to Reuters.
                         October 4.                             In particular, trading firms have placed their
                           Citing sources, the news agency said that  bets on US LNG. To hedge against price differ-
                         Glencore, Gunvor, Trafigura and Vitol were  ences between physical gas in the US now and
       In particular, trading   among the traders facing these margin calls on  the rest of the world in the future, traders need
       firms have placed their   their financial positions in natural gas markets.  to sell short positions in the European and Asian
       bets on US LNG.   This will mean the traders will have to tie up  gas futures markets. A short position is when a
                         more of their capital to these deals, and some  trader sells a gas futures contract with the inten-
                         of the smaller firms will have to increase their  tion of buying it back later, when it anticipates the
                         borrowing and have less cash left to trade with,  price will be lower.
                         undermining their profits.             However, natural gas prices have gone from
                           Many of the traders declined to comment on  strength to strength in recent months – a time
                         the report. Gunvor told Reuters that while there  of year when markets are typically subdued. In
                         have been margin calls associated with the Euro-  Europe, the November delivery contract at the
                         pean natural gas price rally, Gunvor maintains  Dutch TTF hub surged to a new record on Octo-
                         “a healthy liquidity position and instruments to  ber 5 of $1,300 per 1,000 cubic metres.
                         manage any further volatility.”        At TTF alone, sources told Reuters that trad-
                           Many of the world’s leading traders have  ing houses and other players had together accu-
                         increased their exposure to LNG in recent years  mulated $30bn worth of short positions.™


       OPEC+ maintains production policy

        GLOBAL           THE OPEC+ group announced this week that  months, though Iraq and the UAE in particular
                         it will stick with its planned addition of 400,000  have regularly been guilty of overproduction in
                         barrels per day (bpd) of oil up to the end of  recent years.
                         November, causing price increases amid buoy-  The statement noted that “compensation
                         ant demand as economies recover from the coro-  plans should be submitted in accordance with
                         navirus (COVID-19) pandemic.         the statement of the 15th OPEC and non-OPEC
                           In a press release to accompany the  Ministerial Meeting”.
                         announcement, OPEC said that the group “reaf-  Meanwhile, there is scepticism that several
                         firmed the decision of the 10th OPEC and non-  member states will not even be able manage
                         OPEC Ministerial Meeting on 12 April, 2020  their part in the 400,000 bpd uptick. One source
                         and further endorsed in subsequent meetings  involved in the meeting told S&P Global Platts:
                         including the 19th OPEC and non-OPEC Min-  “To be honest, the group is not bringing back
                         isterial Meeting on the 18 July, 2021.”  400,000 bpd a month. Many producers can’t
                           It added that during the October 4 meeting,  meet their targets.”
                         OPEC had “reiterated the critical importance   However, another source was quoted by Reu-
                         of adhering to full conformity and to the com-  ters as saying that despite the calls for a higher
                         pensation mechanism, taking advantage of the  production increase, OPEC+ did not want to
                         extension of the compensation period until the  make any significant moves, noting: “we are
                         end of December 2021.”               scared of the fourth wave of corona”.
                           This marks the latest effort to bring into   With Brent crude rising to more than $81 per
                         line producers that have failed to comply with  barrel on the news, prices have now surged by
                         output quotas. Russia, Iraq, the UAE, Bahrain,  50% to a three-year high.
                         Gabon and South Sudan have all exceeded   The next meeting is scheduled to take place
                         their  quotas  to  varying  extents  in  recent  on November 4.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   07•October•2021
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