Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 40 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                  John Schmitz, chairman, president
                                                                                and CEO, stated: “We are very excited to
                                                                                execute on another accretive consolidation
                                                                                opportunity for Select. This acquisition
                                                                                significantly expands our produced water
                                                                                infrastructure footprint and further increases
                                                                                the Company’s revenue weighting towards
                                                                                production-related services and solutions.
                                                                                This acquisition is a continuation of our
                                                                                strategic effort to improve and bolster our
                                                                                base business, advance our technology and
                                                                                diversification efforts, and execute on strategic
       lines, including a 12” steel pipeline – capacity   “We are extremely pleased to establish a   consolidation opportunities.
       up to 20,000 mcfgd and comprises 5,000+   joint venture with ExxonMobil to maximise   “With this transaction, we will be adding
       acres leasehold, and 89 company-owned wells   the potential of Enercoast,” said Jeff Ballard,   more than 550,000 barrels per day of
       with substantial Woodford shale development   President and CEO of Sentinel. “Sentinel   permitted daily disposal capacity in in Texas,
       opportunities. Closing is expected in October   looks forward to the opportunity to serve   New Mexico, Oklahoma and North Dakota,
       pending final due diligence.        ExxonMobil and other shippers in the   with approximately 50% of this capacity in
         “Natural gas midstream assets are true   Houston market.”              the Permian Basin. When combined with
       gems in the current environment. Acquisition   Enercoast began serving shippers as a   our existing assets, this brings our company-
       of the Wagoner Pipeline also opens numerous   common-carrier pipeline on October 1, 2021.   wide permitted daily disposal capacity to
       opportunities for stranded gas that hasn’t   Enercoast’s tariffs are available on Sentinel’s   approximately 2 million barrels per day.”
       been able to capitalise on current commodity   website.                  SELECT ENERGY SERVICES, October 04, 2021
       prices.” Brian Guinn, CEO of United Energy.  SENTINEL MIDSTREAM TEXAS, October 04,
       UNITED ENERGY, October 05, 2021     2021
       Sentinel Midstream                  Select Energy Services               Patterson-UTI completes

       announces new joint                 closes acquisition of Agua           acquisition of Pioneer
       venture serving the Houston  Libre Midstream and other                   Energy Services

       energy market                       water-related assets from            Patterson-UTI Energy today announced

       Sentinel Midstream Texas today announced   Basic Energy Services         that it has closed its previously announced
       the formation of a joint venture with                                    acquisition of Pioneer Energy Services. Total
       ExxonMobil Pipeline that owns crude   Select Energy Services, a leading provider of   consideration for the acquisition included the
       oil pipelines and related transportation   sustainable water and chemical solutions to   issuance of approximately 26.3mn shares of
       infrastructure in the Houston area. The joint   the US unconventional oil and gas industry,   Patterson-UTI common stock and payment
       venture, Enercoast Midstream, provides the   today announced that, effective October   of $30mn of cash, which based on the most
       critical last-mile link for Permian, Gulf of   1, 2021, it has successfully closed on the   recent closing price for Patterson-UTI of
       Mexico, and other barrels in the Houston   acquisition of substantially all of the assets of   $9.44 valued the transaction at approximately
       crude oil market.                   Agua Libre Midstream and certain water-  $278mn, including the retirement of all
         For the joint venture, ExxonMobil will   related assets and operations of Basic Energy   Pioneer Energy Services’ debt.
       contribute two existing crude oil pipelines   Services and assumed liabilities in connection   In connection with the closing, Pioneer
       into Enercoast: a 16-inch pipeline originating   therewith, in each case pursuant to the terms   Energy Services’ senior notes were repaid with
       at Webster Terminal with delivery points at   of the stalking horse asset purchase agreement   cash and a portion of the shares of Patterson-
       ExxonMobil’s Baytown Refinery and Seabrook   previously entered into with Basic and Agua   UTI common stock issued in the acquisition.
       export terminal and a 20-inch crude pipeline   Libre and following approval by the US   Pioneer shareholders will receive 1.8692
       with access to Moore Road station. Sentinel   Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District   shares of Patterson-UTI common stock for
       contributed cash for a majority equity position  of Texas on September 23, 2021 pursuant to   each share of Pioneer common stock.
       and will be the operator for the joint venture.  Section 363 of the US Bankruptcy Code. As   Andy Hendricks, Patterson-UTI’s chief
         As operator, Sentinel brings an   consideration for the acquisition, Select has   executive officer, commented: “I would like
       experienced, results-oriented management   issued 902,593 shares of Class A common   to welcome the employees, customers, and
       team with a proven track record of   stock and paid $14.5mn in cash to Basic to   shareholders of Pioneer Energy Services to
       maximising value while maintaining its   close the transaction, subject to standard post-  Patterson-UTI. Pioneer’s employees share
       core values of safe, reliable operations and   closing adjustments.      a similar commitment to safety and service
       environmental stewardship. Sentinel will   Based in Fort Worth, TX, Agua Libre is a   quality as our own, and we are excited to have
       undertake efforts to commercialise capacity   leading provider of water midstream, logistics   them join our team.”
       on Enercoast’s system while pursuing   and production services to the oil and gas   PATTERSON-UTI ENERGY, October 04, 2021
       opportunities to grow its operating footprint   industry, including operations in Texas, New
       by building or acquiring new pipelines.   Mexico, Oklahoma and North Dakota.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   07•October•2021
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