Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 40 2021
P. 9
Energy Transfer completes
Pennsylvania Access
US ENERGY Transfer said this week that its Penn- into Pennsylvania, New York and other US
sylvania Access refined products pipeline was Northeast markets. The products will move
complete and ready to enter service. through Energy Transfer’s Allegheny Access
The pipeline is part of the Mariner East sys- pipeline system in the Midwest into Pennsyl-
tem. The system found itself in the news sepa- vania. The company will then use part of the
rately when Pennsylvania Attorney General existing Mariner East 1 pipeline to distrib-
Josh Shapiro said on October 5 that he was filing ute the products in Pennsylvania and the US
criminal charges against Energy Transfer relat- Northeast.
ing to the construction of Mariner East 2. The The 70,000 barrel per day (bpd) Mariner East
charges pertain to alleged incidents such as a 1 was repurposed and expanded to transport
series of drilling fluid leaks over years of con- propane in 2014 and ethane in 2016. Indeed,
struction on Mariner East 2, the use of unap- Energy Transfer said the parts of Mariner East
proved additives to those fluids and failure to not being used by Pennsylvania Access were cur-
report various incidents. rently moving ethane. The start-up of Pennsyl-
Shapiro said that if Energy Transfer is found vania Access marks a further repurposing of the
guilty after a trial, it would face penalties, though Mariner East 1 pipeline.
they would be limited by state law. Mariner East Mariner East 2 and 2X entered service in the
is already one of the most penalised projects past few years to carry multiple natural gas liq-
in Pennsylvania’s history owing to the various uids (NGLs), including ethane, propane, butane
incidents. and natural gasoline.
Pennsylvania Access will carry refined Energy Transfer expects the full Mariner East
products from refineries in the US Midwest system to be online by the end of the year.
BP outlines Cherry Point investment plans
WASHINGTON UK-HEADQUARTERED BP announced this at enhancing cooling water infrastructure. This
week that it will invest $269mn into three pro- is anticipated to allow for increased utilisation
jects in its Cherry Point refinery in Washington and better energy efficiency, as well as a related
State. The projects will be aimed at improving the reduction in CO2 emissions.
refinery’s efficiency, reducing its carbon dioxide Work on the CWI project is also set to begin
(CO2) emissions and increasing its renewable later this year and be completed in 2023.
diesel production capacity, the super-major said. Together, the HIP and CWI projects are esti-
One of the investments will be a $169mn mated to reduce CO2 emissions from operations
Hydrocracker Improvement Project (HIP), at Cherry Point by around 160,000 tonnes per
aimed at improving efficiency and reducing year (tpy), or 7%.
periods of planned maintenance. BP anticipates The last of the three investments will be a
that these improvements will result in fewer unit $45mn renewable diesel optimisation (RDO)
shutdowns and associated flaring events. Upon project that will more than double the refinery’s
project completion, the hydrocracker will con- renewable diesel production capacity to an esti-
sume less hydrogen, which in turn is expected mated 2.6mn barrels per year. The increased
to result in lower CO2 emissions from the inter- capacity is expected to reduce the CO2 emis-
nal hydrogen production process. The hydroc- sions from the diesel produced by Cherry Point
racker will also require less heat input from the by around 400,000-600,000 tpy.
consumption of gaseous fuel in refinery process The additional renewable diesel production is
heaters than it does currently. expected to be available in 2022.
Work on the hydrocracker is due to begin Cherry Point became the first and only refin-
later this year and is expected to finish in 2023. ery in the Pacific Northwest capable of process-
The second investment will be a $55mn cool- ing these feedstocks alongside conventional
ing water infrastructure (CWI) project, aimed feedstocks such as crude oil in 2018, BP noted.
Week 40 07•October•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P9