Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US confirms co-ordinated

       SPR release

       The US has teamed up with China, India, South Korea, Japan and the

       UK to co-ordinate releases from their strategic petroleum reserves

        GLOBAL           THE US announced this week that it would   Deliveries of SPR crude will take place over
                         release 50mn barrels of crude from its strate-  January-April 2022, with early deliveries
       WHAT:             gic petroleum reserve (SPR). The move will be  accepted in late December 2021. Under the
       The US, China, India,   co-ordinated with China, India, South Korea,  exchange arrangement, oil companies taking
       South Korea, Japan and   Japan and the UK in a bid to provide relief from  crude released from the SPR must return it,
       the UK have agreed to   oil prices that recently reached their highest level  which has been scheduled for 2022-24. Such
       jointly release crude from   in seven years.           swaps are typically offered when oil companies
       their SPRs.         The initiative comes after the OPEC+ group  face supply disruptions, such as pipeline outages
                         has ignored repeated calls to lower crude prices  or damage from extreme weather, while out-
       WHY:              by releasing more oil into the market. The group  right sales of SPR crude are less common.
       The move comes as an   recently opted to maintain its current output
       attempt to rein in high   plan, which entails scaling up production by  Joint release
       oil prices after OPEC+   only 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) each month  Biden has been seeking to agree on a joint release
       ignored repeated calls to   until the end of 2022. Thus far, OPEC+ has  for weeks, and his efforts have borne fruit, to
       help lower prices.  shown no signs of altering its plan, but this could  some extent. However, the US accounts for the
                         now change in the wake of the joint SPR release.  largest volumes set to be released by far, while
       WHAT NEXT:          Now, though, the US has said that up to 32mn  the contributions of other countries look set to
       The SPR release may   barrels would be released from its SPR over the  be small in comparison.
       have less of an impact   coming months through an exchange, while the   China said last week that a second release
       than the countries   timeline for a previously approved outright sale  from its SPR was in the works. India has said it
       involved are hoping for.  of 18mn barrels would be accelerated.  would release 5mn barrels, and the UK said it
                           “We will continue talking to international  would allow the voluntary release of 1.5mn bar-
                         partners on this issue. The president stands  rels from privately held reserves. The Japanese
                         ready to take additional action if needed, and  government said on November 24 that it would
                         is prepared to use his full authorities working in  release several million barrels, though it did not
                         co-ordination with the rest of the world,” a sen-  specify volumes, and South Korea also said it
                         ior official in the administration of US President  would participate in the joint release without
                         Joe Biden stated.                    providing specific numbers.

                                                                                                  Up to 32mn barrels
                                                                                                  will be released from
                                                                                                  the US SPR over the
                                                                                                  coming months through
                                                                                                  an exchange, while the
                                                                                                  timeline for a previously
                                                                                                  approved outright sale
                                                                                                  of 18mn barrels will be

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