Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                           Consultancy Rystad Energy has estimated   The consultancy added that it had already
                         that a combined 71.5mn barrels could be  anticipated the market tipping into surplus
                         released by all the countries jointly. Meanwhile,  in February 2022, and that the US-led release
                         investment bank Goldman Sachs estimated  could bring this forward to December.
                         crude reserve releases from South Korea, Japan,   “The release may be a case of too much, too
                         China, India and the UK totalling up to 30mn  late, as the oil market was tightest and needed
                         barrels, which would bring the total, including  supply relief in September,” Rystad’s senior oil
                         US volumes, to up to 80mn barrels.   markets analyst, Louise Dickson, wrote in a
                           This is the first time the US has co-ordinated  market comment.          This is the first
                         such a move with some of the world’s largest   In addition, the Wall Street Journal reported
                         consumers of crude. (See NorthAmOil Week  on November 24 that certain members of   time the US has
                         46) It puts pressure on OPEC+ to deviate from  OPEC+, including Russia and Saudi Arabia,   co-ordinated
                         its chosen strategy and threatens to upset oil  are considering pausing their gradual supply
                         geopolitics.                         scale-up. Citing sources familiar with the mat-  such a move
                                                              ter, the newspaper said that other members of
                         Impact questions                     the group are not convinced that a pause is nec- with some of the
                         However, the impact of the co-ordinated release  essary. But Rystad also pointed to heightened
                         on the oil market has been questioned, and  expectations in the market that OPEC+ could   world’s largest
                         Argus Media suggested that markets had been  move to counteract the SPR release.  consumers of
                         anticipating a larger release. Rystad, meanwhile,   “The bold move from the oil importers has
                         said that if the plans translated into an average  opened the door wide open for OPEC+ to adjust   crude.
                         supply addition of 1.2mn bpd over a two-month  its supply policy downwards at its next Decem-
                         period starting in mid-December, that would  ber 2, 2021 [meeting],” Rystad said.
                         be “not immaterial” in a market of 80mn bpd.   The consultancy anticipates that spot price
                         However, it added that with the US swapping  premiums are what may be most affected by
                         32mn barrels rather than selling them outright,  additional oil volumes being released onto the
                         much of the extra supply released onto the mar-  market. But it noted that both deferred prices
                         ket would be temporary, simply “shifting the  and the price level in the market itself also
                         timing of the market dynamics further down  depend on what approach OPEC+ takes at its
                         the road”.                           next meeting.™

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