Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       LNG trade booms ahead of winter

       The global LNG trade is booming ahead of the Northern Hemisphere winter, with Asia’s

       leading buyers ramping up deliveries, in competition with Europe

        GLOBAL           THE global LNG trade is booming ahead of the   The y/y increase is not surprising given that
                         Northern Hemisphere winter. The leading buy-  a trade war had kicked off between the US and
       WHAT:             ers in the world – China, Japan and South Korea  China under former US President Donald
       Asian imports of LNG are   – are ramping up imports this month, while in  Trump. A deal aimed at reviving US-China
       booming along with US   the US, LNG exports have reached record highs.  energy trade was struck in January 2020. Beijing
       exports of the super-  The boom in US LNG exports provided some  then started awarding tariff waivers to importers
       chilled fuel.     relief to buyers in Europe, but they face compe-  of US LNG in the spring as China reopened after
                         tition from Asia as they scramble to replenish  being the first country to lock down in response
       WHY:              gas stockpiles ahead of the winter. Indeed, major  to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,
       Demand has surged   buyers in Asia are reported to be receiving more  allowing LNG trade between the two countries
       as countries reopen   cargoes than Europe.             to resume.
       following pandemic-                                     According to the US Energy Information
       related lockdowns while   On the rise                  Administration (EIA), the US began exporting
       anticipating additional   According to commodity consultancy Kpler,  LNG to China again in March 2020, after a year-
       consumption over the   China, Japan and South Korea are forecast to  long pause, and trade between the two hit an
       winter.           receive a combined 17.77mn tonnes of LNG in  annual high of 214.4bn cubic feet (6.1bn cubic
                         November, up from 15.41mn tonnes in Octo-  metres) that year. Monthly US LNG exports to
       WHAT NEXT:        ber. This will be the highest level since 19.01mn  China have since hit a new record high of 51.7
       European imports of LNG   tonnes of the fuel were imported across the three  bcf (1.5 bcm) in August 2021, the latest month
       have not been as high,   countries in February.        for which data are available.
       but this could change   The increase in shipments to the Asian coun-  Chinese firms have also played a prominent
       depending on how certain   tries is also backed up by port and vessel-track-  role in numerous LNG offtake deals with US
       trends play out.  ing data compiled by Refinitiv, which puts their  producers of the fuel that have been announced
                         November imports at 16.62mn tonnes, up from  in recent weeks. The most recent of these came
                         15.13mn tonnes in October.           this week, when Cheniere Energy said it had
                           In China, imports of US LNG have more than  struck a 20-year deal to supply LNG to Chi-
                         tripled year on year over the first three quarters  na’s Foran Energy Group. Cheniere has also
                         of 2021 as the Asian country moves to reduce  recently made deals with ENN Natural Gas
                         its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions even as its  and Sinochem, while Venture Global LNG has
                         economy recovers from the lockdowns at the  announced deals with Sinopec. The deals are set
                         start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  to keep US LNG volumes flowing to China over

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2021
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