Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                a privately held biotechnology company
                                                                                harnessing the power of photosynthesis
                                                                                to create transformative solutions to help
                                                                                mitigate climate change, has signed a joint
                                                                                development agreement with ExxonMobil
                                                                                Research and Engineering with the intent to
                                                                                bring Viridos’ low-carbon intensity biofuels
                                                                                toward commercial levels.
                                                                                  “We’re excited to announce that
                                                                                ExxonMobil is continuing this collaboration
                                                                                with us to bring sustainable algae biofuels
                                                                                technology closer to commercial deployment,”
       Partners VI AF. The fund has acquired assets   in executing these strategies.”  said Viridos’ CEO, Dr. Oliver Fetzer. “The
       formerly owned by Lime Rock Partners VI, a   Brian Musto, managing director in   recent productivity advances in Viridos’
       2012 vintage fund, and seeks to benefit from   Goldman Sachs Asset Management   technology are an opportunity to turn CO2
       further value appreciation in those assets. The   Vintage Funds, said, “We are excited to   into renewable diesel and sustainable aviation
       acquisition fund, in which the Goldman Sachs   partner with the Lime Rock team on this   fuels, providing an essential component
       Asset Management Vintage Funds served as   transaction to deliver liquidity, duration,   for the decarbonization of the heavy-duty
       the lead investor, received $134mn in new   optionality, and capital for Fund VI limited   transportation industry. In this next phase
       capital commitments to it and a separate co-  partners, CrownRock Minerals, and other   of the program, we intend to broaden
       investment vehicle.                 portfolio companies. Goldman Sachs Asset   participation and invite others to build the
         All Fund VI limited partners had the   Management is delighted to build on its   ecosystem required for full-scale deployment.”
       option of reinvesting their Fund VI exposure   existing relationship with Lime Rock with our   Founded in 2005 by leaders in synthetic
       into the acquisition fund or receiving   new capital commitment in this fund.”  biology, Viridos quickly established itself
       accelerated full liquidity.         LIME ROCK PARTNERS, November 23, 2021  as a powerhouse for innovative research,
         Interests in CrownRock Minerals vehicles,                              transplanting the first genome, synthesising
       two entities acquiring mineral and royalty   US Energy Development       the first bacterial genome and creating the first
       interests in the Permian Basin, represented the                          synthetic cell. In the past few years Viridos’
       vast majority of the assets in the acquisition   upsizes borrowing base  leadership in engineering microalgae has
       fund. Inclusive of co-investment vehicles,                               achieved greater than 5x bio-oil productivity
       Lime Rock Partners has invested nearly   US Energy Development, an exploration and   increases by increasing both the oil content
       $1.1bn in minerals and royalties since 2015.  production (E&P) firm that provides direct   in the algae and the algae yield. The results
         Since 2007, Lime Rock has partnered   investments in energy, announced today that   from outdoor deployment of Viridos’ bio-
       with Midland, Texas-based CrownQuest   it has increased its master borrowing base   engineered strains in 2020 and 2021 mark the
       Operating, the management of the    with Washington Federal Bank to $75mn.  inflection point toward deployment.
       CrownRock Minerals vehicles and of     “We are grateful for our continued   These advancements in bioengineering
       CrownRock, an operator in the Midland   partnership with Washington Federal,” said   have positioned Viridos to be the leading
       Basin. In 2018, Lime Rock completed its first   Jordan Jayson, CEO of US Energy. “This   enterprise in algal technology with the
       acquisition fund, Lime Rock Partners IV AF, a   increased borrowing base provides US Energy   potential to facilitate significant reductions in
       then $1.9bn fund. Fund IV AF mainly consists  with additional capacity to acquire more high-  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the heavy
       of interests in CrownRock, which is still   quality assets in our core focus areas.”  transportation sector. Viridos’ continued
       majority owned by that fund.           US Energy primarily invests in projects   partnership with ExxonMobil seeks to build
         John Reynolds, co-founder and managing   across the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford, as well   out the technology and agronomy to enable
       director of Lime Rock Partners, said: “We are   as the DJ and Powder River basins. The firm   the commercial launch of Viridos’ low-carbon
       thankful to the new acquisition fund investors   has invested upwards of $135mn in the core of   intensity algae biofuels. In addition to their
       and rolling investors for their attention and   the Permian Basin this year alone, with plans   use in heavy transport, the algae biofuels
       enthusiasm for the options presented to them.   to invest an additional $400mn in projects   could be used for aviation, commercial
       With this, our second GP-led secondary,   located in these core areas over the next two   trucking, and maritime shipping. The terms
       we continue to believe that there are good,   years.                     of the renewed partnership with ExxonMobil
       market solutions to respond to some investors’   US ENERGY DEVELOPMENT, November 22,   should enable other interested parties
       preferences for liquidity while allowing others   2021                   to access and advance the technology to
       to hold investments beyond a normal fund                                 accelerate the deployment of Viridos’ patented
       life.”                                                                   technology in pursuit of lowering global GHG
         J McLane, chief investment officer and   ENERGY TRANSITION             emissions.
       managing director, added: “In both of these                              VIRIDOS, November 19, 2021
       secondary processes, we have sought to align   Viridos executes agreement
       new and rolling investors with the potential
       value creation we believe is possible by patient   with ExxonMobil to help
       acquisition and development of assets in the
       Midland Basin – both working interest and   scale algae biofuels
       mineral interests. We are, as always, grateful to
       the CrownQuest team and their partnership   Viridos, previously Synthetic Genomics,

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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