Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 14
NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)
GLOBAL WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global is expanding its German refining footprint
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join through the purchase of Royal Dutch Shell’s
our team of international editors, who provide a minority stake in the 230,000 barrel per day PCK
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their Schwedt refinery in the country’s north-east.
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new Rosneft said on November 17 it had exercised its
concise format, but by clicking on the headline link pre-emptive right for a 37.5% stake in the refin-
for each section the full text will be available as ery, bolstering its share to 91.7%.
GLNG: LNG trade booms ahead of winter
AfrOil: TotalEnergies ready to invest billions The global LNG trade is booming ahead of the
in Libyan projects Northern Hemisphere winter. The leading buyers
TotalEnergies (France) has announced plans to in the world – China, Japan and South Korea –
invest billions of dollars in Libya’s oil industry. are ramping up imports this month, while in the
According to Patrick Pouyanné, the compa- US, LNG exports have reached record highs. The
ny’s CEO, the French major is ready to support boom in US LNG exports provided some relief to
efforts to increase production and intends to buyers in Europe, who face competition from Asia
pump $2bn into the Waha oilfields. as they scramble to replenish gas stockpiles ahead
of the winter.
AsianOil: Woodside takes FIDs on Scarbor-
ough and Pluto LNG 2 LatAmOil: Braskem Idesa JV reports US
Australia’s largest oil and gas producer Woodside ethane imports up in September
has reached final investment decisions for both Braskem Idesa (BI), the Brazilian-Mexican
the Scarborough gas field development as well joint venture that owns the Nanchital pet-
as the expansion of the Pluto liquefied natural rochemical complex in Veracruz State, saw
gas facility. Woodside announced the FIDs on ethane import volumes climb to an all-time
November 22, the same day it revealed that it high in September of this year. According to
had signed a binding share sale agreement with an interim report from Braskem, the Brazil-
BHP – a Scarborough project partner – on the ian partner in the joint venture, BI imported
independent’s merger with the mining giant’s oil 22,400 barrels per day of ethane from the US
and gas portfolio. in the month of September.
DMEA: Downstream deals and progress MEOG: A flurry of contract awards
This week’s DMEA covers the breakdown of In this week’s MEOG we cover contract awards
talks on a downstream mega deal and progress in Turkey and the UAE as developers seek to
developing the final South Pars gas refinery. make progress on major gas projects. Italian
Saudi Aramco and India’s Reliance Industries engineering, procurement and construction
Ltd called off a major downstream deal following specialist Saipem was awarded a deal by Turk-
years of talks, but the Saudi firm wasted no time ish Petroleum (TPAO) to lay a 175-km pipe-
in opening discussions with another Indian state line tying back the offshore Sakarya gas field to
giant for crude offtake. Meanwhile, the National the Turkish mainland. Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi
Iranian Oil Co. said that it expects to bring the National Oil Co. (ADNOC) last week awarded
first gas sweetening train of the South Pars devel- $1.46bn worth of EPC deals for the develop-
opment project’s final refining phase into opera- ment of the offshore Dalma gas field.
tion in January 2022.
NorthAmOil: US confirms co-ordinated
EurOil: Shell leaves the Netherlands SPR release
Royal Dutch Shell has announced unexpectedly The move will be co-ordinated with China,
on November 15 it would be moving its tax res- India, South Korea, Japan and the UK in a bid
idency from the Netherlands to the UK, while to provide relief from oil prices that recently
also simplifying its shareholder structure. The reached their highest level in seven years. The
company will also move its head office to the UK, initiative comes after the OPEC+ group has
and hold board and committee meetings there. ignored repeated calls to reduce crude prices by
releasing more oil into the market.
FSUOGM: Rosneft expands in German re-
fining See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
Russian oil giant Rosneft has announced it Picks for free by email each week here.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 47 25•November•2021