Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       Cheniere produces LNG at Sabine Pass

       Train 6, strikes another offtake deal

        US GULF COAST    IT has been a busy week for leading US LNG  LNG to France’s Engie in June. That agreement
                         producer Cheniere Energy. On November  has not been formally announced by either
                         23, the company announced that it had pro-  company involved. It is notable because Engie
                         duced its first LNG at Train 6 of its Sabine Pass  had previously backed out of supply deal talks
                         liquefaction terminal on the Louisiana Gulf  with another US LNG developer, NextDecade,
                         Coast. The following day, Cheniere said it had  reportedly because of French opposition to
                         also struck a long-term supply deal with Chi-  hydraulic fracturing, which is used to produce
                         nese natural gas distribution company Foran  the feed gas for liquefaction terminals on the
                         Energy Group.                        Gulf Coast. (See NorthAmOil Week 46)
                           Under the 20-year sales and purchase agree-  The latest supply deal, with Foran, is expected
                         ment (SPA), Foran will buy 300,000 tonnes per  to move Cheniere a step closer to a final invest-
                         year (tpy) of LNG from Cheniere Marketing  ment decision (FID) on the Stage 3 expansion of
                         starting in 2023. The purchase price for LNG  its Corpus Christi LNG terminal in Texas. The
                         under the SPA is indexed to the Henry Hub  FID is anticipated in 2022, and analysts have said
                         price, plus a fee, Cheniere said.    the company now has enough LNG contracted
                           The SPA is the latest in a series announced by  to move forward with the expansion.
                         Cheniere or reported elsewhere in recent weeks.   Meanwhile, the start of LNG production at
                         The US company has also struck new long-term  Sabine Pass Train 6 represents another capacity
                         deals with two other Chinese companies – ENN  expansion at what is already the US’ largest liq-
                         Natural Gas and Sinochem – as well as commod-  uefaction plant. Once substantial completion at
                         ity trader Glencore since early October.  Train 6 is reached – which is anticipated in the
                           Separately, it emerged in a recent filing  first quarter of 2022, roughly a year ahead of
                         with the US Department of Energy (DoE) that  schedule – Sabine Pass’ total production capacity
                         Cheniere had signed an agreement to supply  will reach 30mn tpy.™
                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       NextDecade applies to build

       CCS facility at Rio Grande LNG

        TEXAS            US LNG developer NextDecade has applied to  it had redesigned Rio Grande to produce 27mn
                         the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-  tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG from five trains
                         sion (FERC) to incorporate a carbon capture  instead of six. At this point, the project was set
                         and storage (CCS) system into its proposed Rio  to yield 21% fewer CO2 equivalent emissions
                         Grande LNG project in Brownsville, Texas.  than it would have done originally. NextDecade
                           In a November 17 submission to the FERC, a  subsequently unveiled plans to develop CCS
                         K&L Gates lawyer for Rio Grande LNG, David  capacity at Rio Grande in October 2020, saying it
                         Wochner, said the company was seeking a “lim-  would ultimately target carbon neutrality once it
                         ited amendment” to the authorisation to build  managed to address the remaining 10% of emis-
                         the liquefaction terminal. The amendment  sions that the CCS facility would not capture.
                         would allow NextDecade to incorporate a CCS   NextDecade had been targeting a final invest-
                         system into the approved design and operation  ment decision (FID) for 2021, having delayed it
                         of Rio Grande LNG.                   from 2020. However, it faces another setback
                           The move comes as NextDecade attempts to  after a court said the environmental analysis in
                         showcase Rio Grande’s environmental creden-  the original FERC approval for the project was
                         tials. The FERC filing stated that the incorpora-  “deficient”. The court ruled that the regulator
                         tion of the CCS system into the project would  must further analyse the impact of Rio Grande
                         capture at least 90% of its carbon dioxide (CO2)  LNG and another proposed Brownsville plant
                         emissions. NextDecade had previously said that  – Texas LNG – on climate change and local
                         it was working on addressing the remaining 10%  communities.
                         of emissions from the project.         The plan to build CCS capacity at Rio
                           This is not the first change to the design of Rio  Grande LNG could further extend the timeline
                         Grande LNG. NextDecade said in July 2020 that  for the project.™

       Week 47   25•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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