Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            leases in the Illinois Basin.        (PPHTD) in southeast Louisiana.
                                             Through a combination of workovers   “Integrity and respect are core Tallgrass
       Acquisition of 100% of              and drilling new low-cost conventional oil   values,” said Tallgrass CEO William R. (Bill)
                                           wells, the Company believes these leases can,
                                                                                Moler. “As part of our PLT permitting process,
       Kentucky exploration                in time, make a meaningful contribution to   our cultural survey work identified a cemetery
                                           AXP’s growing oil production base.
                                                                                and potential artifacts consistent with what
       leases                              “The Kentucky Exploration leases are proven   history of the site. Since then, we reduced our
                                             AXP’s chief executive officer Tim Hart said:  community members shared about the
       AXP Energy is pleased to confirm that it has   oil producing fields and we have identified   development footprint to protect those areas,
       agreed terms with Australian private company   some compelling low-cost conventional   and engaged with the Ironton community and
       Newtak to acquire Newtak’s 50% membership   targets. As well, a number of the wells are   other local stakeholders on an appropriate
       interest in Kentucky Exploration, resulting   candidates for more extensive workovers to   path toward memorializing them.”
       in AXP owning these leases outright and   enhance production and work is underway.   When PLT and PPHTD entered a lease
       retaining sole operatorship.        This low-cost, opportunistic acquisition of   agreement in 2018 to develop the site,
         AXP formed a joint venture with Newtak   an asset we know well is further evidence of   both parties agreed to place a conservation
       in 2010 to acquire and operate the leases   our ability to identify quality conventional   easement on 50 acres adjacent to the historic
       with revenue being equally shared after costs   oil and gas assets and add value quickly. We   community of Ironton. This easement remains
       and royalty payments. Under the terms of   look forward to providing an update on the   in place and permanently protects the area
       this agreement, AXP will acquire Newtak’s   workovers and the early production gains.”  from any future industrial or commercial
       50% membership interest for total cash   AXP ENERGY, November 19, 2021   development by Tallgrass or others.
       consideration of $50,000 with the transaction                              “We will be withdrawing the current air
       scheduled to close by end November 2021.                                 permit application and Memorandum of
         Kentucky Exploration holds extensive   MIDSTREAM                       Understanding with the Coastal Protection
       acreage in the Illinois Basin covering                                   and Restoration Authority (CPRA), as they
       a portfolio of 44 conventional oil wells   Tallgrass updates             will not reflect the new uses of the site,” Moler
       which currently deliver only modest daily                                added. “Tallgrass will continue to work with
       production, as they have not been a focus   development plan for         CPRA to ensure that any future development
       for AXP. A workover program developed                                    on the site is consistent with the State’s Coastal
       by the operations team in Lexington is now   terminal in Plaquemines     Master Plan.
       underway and production is already returning                               “Commercial activity at the site can
       to some wells that have not produced for a   Parish, Louisiana           spur job growth and broader economic
       number of years. Workovers are continuing.                               opportunity for the local communities in
         As well, the Dacy Lease (part of Kentucky   Tallgrass today announced it has begun   Plaquemines Parish, and we have heard
       Exploration) has been earmarked as a priority   a comprehensive reappraisal of plans for   support directly from local community
       target for drilling new low-cost vertical wells   commercial development of the proposed   members for that sort of development,” said
       to be undertaken by AXP’s recently formed   Plaquemines Liquids Terminal (PLT), a joint   Moler. “We will evaluate a wide range of
       drilling division. As reported on 4 November,   development project with Drexel Hamilton   opportunities other than an oil terminal that
       the company will shortly commence a 4 + 4   Infrastructure Partners in concert with the   can operate within a reduced development
       well back-to-back drill programme across 4   Plaquemines Port & Harbor Terminal District   footprint at the site. We value the continued
                                                                                support of Governor John Bel Edwards,
                                                                                Plaquemines Parish President Lepine,
                                                                                members of the Parish Council, and the Port.
                                                                                Louisiana has a strong economic development
                                                                                culture, and we look forward to being a part
                                                                                of it.”
                                                                                TALLGRASS, November 19, 2021


                                                                                Lime Rock announces

                                                                                closing of Lime Rock
                                                                                Partners VI AF acquisition


                                                                                Lime Rock Partners, private equity investors
                                                                                of growth capital in E&P and oilfield service
                                                                                companies, announces the successful closing
                                                                                of a $203mn acquisition fund, Lime Rock

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2021
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