Page 9 - DMEA Week 45
P. 9

DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                                                                                                  Construction site of the
                                                                                                  Dangote oil refinery.

                           Meanwhile, Mozambique is one step closer  down 9.8% on the year to 15.18mn tonnes
                         to realising its LNG ambitions. Eni has reported  (3.71mn bpd), this was driven by a fall in eco-
                         that Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) has finished  nomic activity on the back of government lock-
                         installing the topside modules of the floating LNG  down measures.
                         (FLNG) vessel that will be used to liquefy natural   Indeed, the country is beginning to show
                         gas from the offshore Area 4 block. The ship will be  renewed appetite for energy, with Pradhan not-
                         the first FLNG to operate at an ultra-deepwater site.  ing that domestic gasoline, diesel and liquid
                           In other news, Sudan’s national oil company  petroleum gas (LPG) sales rose last year.
                         (NOC) Sudapet is preparing to bring the al-Rawat   “We anticipate that this recovery path in
                         oilfield on stream. The site is expected to yield 3,000  energy demand growth in India will sustain in
                         barrels per day, raising the country’s total crude out-  the coming months,” Pradhan said. He added
                         put to 64,000 bpd. Sudapet’s announcement follows  that the country’s share of global energy con-
                         the signing of an agreement between Sudan and  sumption was projected to rise from 7% to 12%
                         South Sudan that will see the two neighbouring  by 2050.
                         countries work together to restart key sites such as   Part of the government’s strategy to raise
                         the Total and Unity oilfields.       investor interest in its SPR programme has been
                                                              to allow Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC)
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   to re-export some of the oil it stored in the Man-
                         Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   galore SPR.
                         NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor .            Pradhan said in September that the country
                                                              was considering also strategic storage in the US
                         India invites IOCs to invest in SPR  and other “commercially viable locations”.
                         The Indian government is looking to attract
                         investment from international oil companies   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         (IOCs) in its next wave of strategic petroleum   the Asian oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         reserve (SPR) development.           NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor .
                           New Delhi was looking for “global” inves-
                         tors to help fund the addition of 6.5mn tonnes  Nigerian protests
                         (47.65mn barrels) of SPR capacity over two  Nigerian workers demonstrated on November 3
                         facilities in Chandikol and Padur, Indian Minis-  over pay issues outside the 650,000 barrel per day
                         ter for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra  (bpd) refinery Dangote is developing near Lagos.
                         Pradhan told an industry event on November 9.  The protests come at a time when Nigeria is in
                         He said: “I invite global energy players to come  the grip of civil unrest, triggered by outrage over
                         and invest in this project.”         civil and human rights abuses.
                           The country already has three underground   According to Dangote, the protestors were
                         facilities in Padur, Mangalore and Visakhap-  not its employees but were subcontractors. They
                         atnam, with 2.5mn tonnes (18.33mn barrels),  are complaining about low wages and poor
                         1.5mn tonnes (11mn barrels) and 1.33mn  working conditions, reports on social media
                         tonnes (9.75mn barrels) of capacity respectively.  state.
                           However, declining domestic production   The refinery is being erected at the Lekki free
                         and a historic upward trend in oil imports has  trade zone some 70 km east of Lagos, Nigeria’s
                         impressed on the government the need for emer-  commercial capital. Nigeria is counting on the
                         gency stockpiles to mitigate oil market shocks.  $10bn project, due on stream in two years, to
                           The country’s production of crude and con-  end its dependence on fuel imports and even
                         densate shrank 6.05% year on year in Septem-  produce a surplus for export. Dangote said
                         ber to 2.49mn tonnes (608,000 barrels per day).  this month that the refinery had reached 80%
                         While imports also contracted in September,  completion.

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