Page 11 - DMEA Week 45
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DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         field, said in October it had beefed up security at  that relations are now starting to improve.
                         its infrastructure in the country.     According to US government data, Cheniere
                           Over in Russia, the government is talking  sent nine LNG cargoes to China between March
                         up prospects for exporting hydrogen to Japan.  and August 2020, after trade resumed. However, a
                         Russian Deputy Energy Minister Pavel Sorokin  deal that the company had been trying to finalise
                         recently told Japan’s Nikkei that Russia aims to  with China’s Sinopec prior to the trade war has still
                         export 2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of hydrogen  not materialised.
                         by 2035. He said that Russia was already hold-
                         ing negotiations on hydrogen exports with the   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         Japanese government, as well as Kawasaki Heavy   the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         Industries and other Japanese companies.  NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor .

                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   Latin America: Apache’s Suriname plans
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please  US-based Apache has indicated that it remains
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor .  enthusiastic about the prospects of the offshore
                                                              Guyana-Suriname basin.
                         GLNG: Asia’s ups and downs             John Christmann, the company’s CEO, told
                         The first Chinese deal to buy US LNG since the  analysts that his company saw Block 58, the
                         trade war started between the two countries has  site offshore Suriname where it has already
                         been announced. The deal, unveiled by Foran  made three discoveries, as a higher priority
                         Energy Group, is comparatively small but is seen  than US shale. “We’re making a long-term
                         as a sign of confidence in relations between the US  decision because we think there’s going to be
                         and China normalising.               much, much greater benefit,” he said during a
                           Foran said it had signed an agreement to buy 26  conference call last week.
                         cargoes of LNG from leading US exporter Cheniere   Christmann was speaking around the
                         Energy between 2021 and 2025. Prices under the  same time that Apache reported that it had
                         deal, which was struck during the annual trade fair  filed appraisal plans for two of its discover-
                         in Shanghai, will be linked to the US’ Henry Hub  ies at Block 58, Maka Central and Sapakara.
                         benchmark.                           The company expects to take similar steps for
                           The deal comes shortly after the PipeChina nat-  Kwaskwasi, its third discovery, before the end
                         ural gas project was completed in the third quarter  of the year. It is also proceeding with explo-
                         of this year, allowing third-party access to Chinese  ration drilling at the Keskesi field, its fourth
                         LNG terminals and natural gas pipelines, according  target, and intends to sink its next well at a sec-
                         to comments from Cheniere’s executive vice-pres-  tion of the block known as Bonboni.
                         ident and chief commercial officer, Anatol Feygin.   Meanwhile in Brazil, Enauta, an independ-
                         He added on his company’s third-quarter earnings  ent company, has said it may not proceed to
                         call that Cheniere did “not see this as a one-off”.  full commercial development of the Atlanta
                           Chinese buyers stopped signing longer-term  heavy crude field following the decision of
                         supply contracts with US LNG producers in 2018,  its partner Barra Energia to exit the project.
                         after Beijing introduced retaliatory tariffs on ship-  With Barra Energia is talking about farm-
                         ments of the super-chilled fuel from the US amid  ing out its 50% stake in Atlanta, Enauta has
                         an escalating trade war. The tariff was subsequently  pledged to speed up its consideration of pro-
                         raised from 10% initially to 25% in June 2019.  posals to return its own stake to the Brazilian
                           US-China LNG trade stopped altogether in  government.
                         March 2019, resuming in March 2020, after the two   In related news, Australia’s Karoon Energy
                         countries agreed to a preliminary trade deal and  has wrapped up its acquisition of a 100%
                         China agreed to ramp up purchases of US energy.  stake in Baúna, an offshore field in the San-
                           China introduced a tariff waiver programme in  tos  basin, from  Petrobras.  The  company
                         a bid to increase imports, but the country’s largest  said in a statement that it had agreed to pay
                         buyers of LNG remained hesitant to strike long-  $380mn in “firm” consideration and up to
                         term deals amid still-fragile bilateral relations and  $280mn in “contingent” consideration. It also
                         ongoing market volatility. However, there are hopes  described Baúna as “a quality production asset

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