Page 13 - DMEA Week 45
P. 13

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Kuwait leads way in Middle Eastern

       refining growth: GlobalData

        KUWAIT           KUWAIT will lead the way in terms of refining  for global markets.
                         capacity growth in the Middle East over the next   GlobalData sees Saudi Arabia contributing
       The Gulf state will add   five years, according to a report by GlobalData.  the second-largest amount of new capacity,
       some 615,000 bpd of   The Gulf state is expected to add some  accounting for 25% of the total, or about 470,000
       extra capacity by 2024,   615,000 barrels per day (bpd) of extra through-  bpd by 2024. State-owned Saudi Aramco
       or 31% of the region’s   put capacity by 2024, or 31% of the region’s total  shipped its first cargo from the new 400,000 bpd
       total additions.  growth. This extra capacity will come from the  Jizan refinery in September, indicating that the
                         Al-Zour project in the country’s south.  plant is at an advanced stage of commissioning.
                           Kuwait has also set out to modernise its exist-  Saudi Arabia is also expanding its refineries
                         ing Al-Ahmadi and Abdullah refineries, as it  in Jubail and Yanbu.
                         strives to double national capacity to 1.6mn bpd   According to GlobalData, Iraq will be the
                         by 2025. It also wants to produce more high-  third-biggest contributor, supplying 310,000
                         er-value products such as diesel and kerosene  bpd of new capacity by 2024. The planned Kar-
                         that can be exported.                bala refinery will account for around half of the
                           GlobalData estimates that overall Middle  country’s capacity additions.
                         Eastern refining capacity will expand by around   Karbala was first proposed back in 2007,
                         17% from 11.6mn bpd in 2020 to 13.6mn bpd  but has seen repeated delays. Iraq’s oil minis-
                         by 2024. Some 1.5mn bpd is anticipated to come  try predicted last year that the plant would be
                         from greenfield projects and 0.5mn bpd from the  ready in 2021, but its launch was subsequently
                         expansion of already working refineries.  pushed back again to 2023. It said recently that
                           “Kuwait leads the refinery capacity growth in  construction of the facility was nearing 90%
                         the Middle East through the planned Al-Zour  completion.
                         project, one of the biggest upcoming refineries   In fourth and fifth place, according to
                         in the world,” GlobalData analyst Amareswari  GlobalData, are Oman and Iran. All of the extra
                         Kanaparthi explained.                capacity will come from greenfield projects in
                           The Al-Zour refinery will produce low-sul-  Oman, where OQ and Kuwait Petroleum aim to
                         phur fuel oil for domestic power generation,  launch the 230,000 bpd Duqm refinery in early
                         helping reduce the country’s emissions from this  2022. The bulk of the new capacity in Iran will
                         sector, and turn out other products like jet fuel  come from existing facilities. ™

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