Page 17 - DMEA Week 45
P. 17

DMEA                                               LNG                                                DMEA

       QP pens LNG deal with Singapore’s Pavilion

        QATAR            QATAR Petroleum (QP) has set up an LNG  as North Field South (NFS), will increase it to
                         trading unit, while also striking a long-term deal  126mn tpy by the late 2020s.
       QP has also set up an   to supply the super-cooled gas to Singapore.  QP is on a drive to find customers to take this
       LNG trading unit.   Doha-based QP Trading will aim to build up  extra gas. QP Trading has signed a long-term
                         a globally diversified portfolio of third-party and  sales and purchase agreement with Singapore’s
                         equity LNG, QP said in a statement on Novem-  Pavilion Energy Trading & Supply, covering
                         ber 9. It will manage price risk exposure through  1.8mn tpy of supplies over a 10-year period, the
                         physical and derivatives trading.    company said.
                           “These new capabilities, combined with a   The agreement was reached following a com-
                         customer and market-centric approach, will  petitive process. Al-Kaabi said the deal reflected
                         enable QP Trading to respond with greater  the “commitment to respond to the needs of our
                         agility to the evolving needs of its customers,  customers, including supply security, price com-
                         and to maximise the value of its portfolio,” QP  petitiveness and flexibility.”
                         said.                                  The latest contract comes after QP last month
                           QP Trading’s launch reaffirms QP’s “belief  secured 25 years of storage and delivery capac-
                         in LNG’s economic and environmental value  ity at the UK’s Grain LNG terminal beginning
                         proposition and its cornerstone role in the  in mid-2025. QP had subscribed to some 7.2mn
                         energy transition,” company CEO and Qatari  tpy of import capacity at the site in southern
                         Energy Minister Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi said in  England, enabling it to make greater inroads into
                         a statement.                         the UK gas market.
                           Qatar, already the world’s  biggest  LNG   Pavilion Energy not only imports LNG into
                         exporter, is embarking on a major expansion  Singapore but also has its own LNG bunkering
                         project at the offshore North Field. The first  network in the Asia-Pacific area. It recently made
                         phase, North Field East (NFE), will raise out-  a pact with Finland’s Gasum on using each oth-
                         put from the current 77mn tonnes per year to  er’s LNG bunkering infrastructure and supply
                         110mn tpy by 2025, while the second, known  capabilities in their respective regions. ™

       Eni: Topsides of FLNG vessel for

       Coral South project completed

        MOZAMBIQUE       ITALY’S Eni said last week that the topsides of  in at around 140,000 tonnes.
                         the floating LNG (FLNG) vessel that will be used   When finished, the vessel will be capable of
       Construction on the hull   for the Coral South LNG project in Mozambique  turning out 3.4mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG.
       and topside modules   had been completed.              It will be towed from South Korea across the
       began in September   In a statement, Eni reported that the last of 13  Indian Ocean to the Mozambique Channel, off
       2019.             topside modules had been installed on the FLNG  the coast of Cabo Delgado Province. It will be
                         at a shipyard owned by Samsung Heavy Indus-  installed about 50 km from shore at Area 4, the
                         tries (SHI) in Geoje, South Korea. The shipyard  licence area within the Rovuma Basin that will
                         lifted the modules, which weigh 70,000 tonnes  provide gas for the Coral South LNG project.
                         altogether, onto the vessel one at a time, it said.  This will make it the first floating gas liquefaction
                            Now that the vessel’s topsides are finished,  plant ever to work in an ultra-deepwater zone.
                         “construction is continuing with integration   Eni was the first international oil company
                         and commissioning activities,” Eni said. It also  (IOC) to sign on to a major LNG scheme in
                         stressed that work on the FLNG was proceeding  Mozambique. In 2017, it made an FID in favour
                         on schedule.                         of going forward with the $10bn Coral South
                            “This lifting, which marks the end of the  LNG project. It has said it will drill six develop-
                         onshore-modules fabrication campaign con-  ment wells in 2,000-metre-deep water to provide
                         figuring the entire gas treatment and liquefac-  feedstock for the FLNG.
                         tion plant, is on schedule and in line with the   The Italian company’s partners in the project
                         expected sail-away in 2021 and gas production  are Mozambique Rovuma Venture (MRV), a
                         start-up in 2022,” it explained.     joint venture owned by Eni, ExxonMobil (US)
                            SHI began building the hull and topside  and China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC);
                         modules of the FLNG in September 2019. It  Galp (Portugal); KOGAS (South Korea) and
                         completed the hull in January 2020. The ship is  ENH, Mozambique’s national oil company
                         432 metres long and 66 metres wide and weighs  (NOC). ™

       Week 45   12•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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