Page 20 - DMEA Week 45
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DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       ADNOC buys Ultramax bulk            facility has the capacity to capture 800,000   enhanced customer experience, and attractive
                                              According to ADNOC, currently, the
                                                                                capital returns for our shareholders.”
       carrier al-Karama                   tonnes of CO2 annually. ADNOC plans to   significant capacity to deploy capital through
                                                                                  Al Shamsi added: “We maintain the
                                           expand the capacity of this program six-fold
       ADNOC Logistics & Services announced on  by capturing CO2 from its own gas plants,   a disciplined investment strategy aimed at
       November 12 it had acquired an Ultramax   with the aim of reaching 5 million tonnes of   continuing our efforts to expand our fuel
       bulk carrier, called al-Karama, which was   CO2 every year by 2030 – the equivalent of   station network, with a focus on the Dubai
       built in 2019 and had a deadweight of   the annual carbon capture capacity of over 5   market, as well as investing in our non-fuel
       64,000 tonnes.                      million acres of forest.             and international business expansion.”
         The new vessel, with other recent similar                                During the first half of 2020, ADNOC
       acquisitions, raises the company’s bulk                                  Distribution saw a 22.4% decrease in net
       cargo tonnage by 214,000 metric tonnes, a                                profits to AED 910mn, compared to AED
       statement from the United Arab Emirates   ADNOC signs LNG supply         1.17bn in the year-ago period.
       company said.
                                           deals with Vitol and Total
       ADNOC and Total sign                UAE state oil company ADNOC on       Net value of Iran’s South
                                                                                Pars gas field jumps to
                                           November 11 said it had signed a six-year deal
       strategic deal on CCUS,             to supply energy trader Vitol with LNG, and a   $135bn
                                           two-year contract to serve France’s Total with
       emissions reduction                 the super-chilled gas.               The net value of Iran’s supergiant South
                                              Vitol will get 1.8mn tonnes per year of
       The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company   LNG after 2022, while Total will get 0.5mn   Pars natural gas field has jumped from an
       (ADNOC) has signed a strategic framework   tpy in 2021 and 2022.         estimated $116bn at this point last year to
       agreement with Total, to explore joint   “We are pleased to partner with both Vitol   $135bn now, a senior oil and gas industry
       research, development and deployment   and Total on these major deals as they will   source who works closely with Iran’s
       partnership opportunities in the areas of CO2   create reliable, long-term benefits for our   Petroleum Ministry has told
       emission reductions and carbon capture,   company and shareholders,” ADNOC LNG   The key reason is reportedly that progress
       utilisation and storage (CCUS).     CEO Fatema Al said.                  across all areas of the development, including
         The agreement expands on the long-                                     the controversial Phase 11, has picked
       standing partnership and collaboration                                   up pace on the back of an increase in the
       between the two leading energy producers   ADNOC Distribution profits    involvement of various Chinese companies
       across the full value chain, according to a                              who operate under the US’s sanctions radar
       statement from ADNOC.               slide 8% in 9M 2020                  through individual contract-only projects,
         Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister                                    not as official field developers. It is now
       of Industry and Advanced Technology and   The net profits of Abu Dhabi National   expected by Iran’s Petroleum Ministry
       ADNOC Group CEO, said: “The agreement   Oil Company for Distribution (ADNOC   that the entire South Pars project will be
       builds on our sustainability goal to decrease    Distribution) decreased by 8.1% to   producing at or near fully Phase 1 capacity
       greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity by 25% by   AED1.58bn in the January-September period   well in advance of the March 2022 official
       2030, and reinforces ADNOC’s commitment   of 2020 from AED 1.72bn in the same period   completion date, according to the trade
       to responsible oil and gas production as we   of 2019.                   media outlet.
       deliver on our 2030 smart growth strategy.”  The company’s revenues amounted to   “It was obvious to anyone who knows how
         Under the terms of the agreement,   AED 11.99bn during the first nine months of   China works in such situations, including
       ADNOC and Total will jointly explore   2020, down 24.7% from AED15.91bn in the   in neighbouring Iraq, that it was not going
       opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions,   corresponding period of 2019, according to   to walk away from its investment either in
       improve energy efficiency and use renewable   the company’s financial results for the period   Phase 11 or in Iran as a whole, especially
       energy for oil and gas operations. In the   ended on September 30 2020.  as it was in the process of widening out the
       area of CCUS, the companies will further   The company’s earnings before interest,   25-year [strategic trade and investment]
       develop joint research into new technologies   tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA)   deal with the country,” a source was cited as
       covering carbon capture, storage solutions   declined by 2.2% to AED 2.134bn in the   saying.
       and enhanced oil recovery projects based on   January-September period of 2020, compared   The 25-year deal, if signed off, would
       CO2 usage.                          to AED 2.18bn in the year-ago period.  mean Chinese companies getting the first
         Patrick Pouyanne, Chairman & CEO of   The basic and diluted earnings per share   option to bid on any new—or stalled or
       Total, said: “This initiative will allow the two   (EPS) settled at AED0.126 in the first nine   incomplete—oil, gas, and petrochemical
       companies to join forces in several domains   months of 2020, versus AED0.138 in the   projects in Iran. China would also be able to
       such as the reduction of carbon emissions on   prior-year period.        buy any and all oil, gas, and petrochemical
       industrial sites, improvement of the energy   During the third quarter (Q3) of 2020,   products at a minimum guaranteed discount
       efficiency in operations, and the development  the company’s net profits increased by 22.3%   of 12% to the six-month rolling mean
       of innovative solutions and business models   to AED 671mn from AED 549mn in the   average price of comparable benchmark
       towards the CCUS chain.”            corresponding period of 2019.        products, plus another 6% to 8% of that
         The potential for collaboration in   Commenting on the company’s       metric for risk-adjusted compensation,
       CCUS by ADNOC and Total complements   performance, the Acting CEO of ADNOC added. .
       ADNOC’s CCUS program which has seen   Distribution, Ahmed Al Shamsi, said:
       the company establish the Al Reyadah   “ADNOC Distribution’s third-quarter results
       facility, the first commercial-scale CCUS   have continued to advance our strategic
       facility in the Middle East.        priorities of steady and sustainable growth,

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   12•November•2020
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