Page 19 - DMEA Week 45
P. 19

DMEA                                          TRANSPORT                                               DMEA

       Kurdish oil flows resume as Iraq

       fails to comply with cuts

        IRAQ             OFFICIALS from the Kurdistan Regional Gov-  around $10mn per day. “Our estimation is that
                         ernment (KRG) confirmed late last week that oil  the KRG has lost $100mn except the cost of
       The 600,000 bpd   flows had resumed through a pipeline that had  repairing it,” Mohammad Sa’d al-din, the Kurd-
       pipeline is now   been attacked a week earlier.        istan Parliament’s Finance Committee deci-
       operational, an official   Speaking to S&P Global Platts, an official  sion-maker, told Kurdistan 24.
       has said.         said: “The pipeline is now functional and the oil   Also on November 5, the State Oil Market-
                         is flowing like before.”             ing Organization (SOMO) said that Kurdistan
                           The KRG’s 600,000 barrel per day pipeline  was responsible for 446,000 bpd of Iraq’s total
                         connects Dohuk to the metering station at Fish-  3.482mn bpd average daily crude production.
                         khabour on the Turkish border where crude is  Kurdish exports averaged 416,000 bpd, a drop
                         fed into the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline.  of 21,000 bpd from September.
                           The conduit takes oil from the Taq Taq field
                         via Khurmala to Fishkhabour and was designed  Iraqi non-compliance
                         to carry 700,000 bpd. Flow volumes have not  The Federal Iraqi figure shows that, rather than
                         been provided, though it is understood that Erbil  the deeper cuts pledged by Baghdad between
                         uses the pipeline to export the vast majority of its  September and December, production increased
                         450,000 bpd output, while around 100,000 bpd  by 242,000 bpd from September and remains
                         of Federal Iraqi crude is also exported this way  around 38,000 bpd above its August-December
                         from the Kirkuk fields.              quota.
                           The KRG officials also did not offer any indi-  Meanwhile, the country’s exports also
                         cation of whether production facilities had been  expanded during the month, by more than
                         damaged as a result of fighting among militia  200,000 bpd compared to the previous month.
                         groups in the region.                Total Iraqi oil exports stood at 2.968mn bpd for
                           While the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)  October with revenues totalling $3.43bn, based
                         has claimed responsibility for the attack, the  on an average price of $38.48 per barrel.
                         KRG has launched an investigation to deter-  Baghdad is reported to be among several
                         mine who was involved. In a statement, the PKK  OPEC member countries opposed to extending
                         said that it had target infrastructure belonging to  the current 7.7mn bpd reductions of the OPEC+
                         Turkish pipeline operator BOTAS in the Pagok  group, though Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar
                         region of the city of Merdin in the north-east of  has denied this and said that Iraq would back any
                         Turkey.                              decision made by its partners.
                           Meanwhile, local media quoted government   The original agreement would see production
                         officials as saying that the attack had cost Erbil  cuts being relaxed by 2mn bpd from January. ™

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