Page 18 - DMEA Week 45
P. 18

DMEA                                               FUELS                                               DMEA

       ADNOC to start trading oil


        UAE              UAE national oil company (NOC) ADNOC  International] allows us access to locations all
                         intends to start trading refined products in  over the world.”
                         December through its joint venture with Italy’s   ADNOC has significant storage capacity in
                         Eni and Austria’s OMV, CEO Sultan al-Jaber told  the UAE, Japan and India, and agreed last year
                         a virtual conference on November 9.  to acquire a 10% stake in VTTI, the owner of
                           ADNOC Global Trading (AGT) is 65%-  15 storage terminals in 14 countries. Com-
                         owned by ADNOC, 20% by Eni and 15% by  bined, these facilities are capable of storing
                         OMV. The recently formed venture began deriv-  around 60mn barrels of crude oil and refined
                         atives trading in September with a focus on crude  products.
                         oil. It had hoped to launch trading operations in   Diversifying into trading is one of the key tar-
                         the second quarter of this year, but the coronavi-  gets in ADNOC’s long-term strategy. The com-
                         rus (COVID-19) pandemic led to delays.  pany produces some 40mn tonnes per year (tpy)
                           “Next month, we will begin trading the full  of refined products and petrochemicals, and is
                         portfolio of our refined products,” al-Jaber said  working on an expansion project at its Ruwais
                         at the ADIPEC conference.            complex.
                           ADNOC and its partners will focus on trad-  The NOC is also looking to exploit current
                         ing refined products from the company’s 817,000  low costs for shipbuilding to expand its fleet.
                         barrel per day (bpd) Ruwais refinery. AGT has   “ADNOC has always been a free-on-board
                         finished recruiting traders based in Abu Dhabi  [FOB] seller. Shipping is a key part of it,” Salmeen
                         and is finalising its systems, al-Jaber said.  said. “The current market provides opportuni-
                           ADNOC has global ambitions for AGT.  ties. The price for second-hand and even new-
                           “The plan is to grow into Singapore, Europe  build ships is competitive, probably a 10-year
                         and potentially gain a presence in the US,”  low.”
                         ADNOC’s director for marketing, supply   ADNOC Logistics & Services has some six
                         and trading said at the conference. “We start  oil tankers and two oil/chemical carriers, and is
                         with a million-barrel refinery behind us, and  aiming to expand its fleet to handle its parent’s
                         the relationship with [Vitol Tank Terminals  growing needs. ™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   12•November•2020
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