Page 4 - MEOG Week 38 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iraq looks to expedite Eridu

       development, Basra spill contained

       Baghdad is keen to encourage its oilfield developers to ramp up
       production from southern assets as exports face a short-term disruption.

        IRAQ             IRAQ’S Oil Minister this week met with dele-  maximum remuneration rate for Block 10,
                         gates from Russia’s Lukoil to discuss the devel-  which was awarded in the fourth licensing
                         opment of the Eridu oilfield and the remaining  round, is $5.99 per barrel of oil equivalent (boe),
       WHAT:             phases of the West Qurna-2 (WQ-2) asset.  though these terms are also understood to be
       The Ministry of Oil has   Meanwhile, exports were constrained following  subject to ongoing amendment discussions.
       held talks with Lukoil   a spill at its key southern oil terminal.  Eridu is spread across the Muthana and Dhi
       about development plans   The Ministry of Oil (MoO) published a state-  Qar governorates, around 150 km west of Basra.
       for the West Qurna-2 and   ment in which it quoted Ihsan Abdul Jabbar as   During a meeting with Stepan Gorgi, Lukoil’s
       Eridu oilfields.  saying that he and his colleagues are awaiting  vice president for Central Asia, the Middle East
                         approval of the field development plan for Eridu,  and North Africa, Abdul Jabbar expressed hopes
       WHY:              an undeveloped field located in Block 10.  that production from the field would begin soon.
       Iraq is working to add   Operator Lukoil submitted its development   Meanwhile, the delegates also discussed
       several million barrels   plan for the field and applied to state-owned Dhi  WQ-2, which is operated by Lukoil and North
       per day of oil production   Qar Oil Co. (DQOC) in November 2021 “for  Oil Co. (NOC), another regional subsidiary of
       in the next five years.  commerciality of reserves and filed a prelimi-  the MoO.
                         nary proposal on the development of the Eridu   The field has a capacity of around 450,000
       WHAT NEXT:        oilfield within Block 10,” according to the MoO.  bpd, following the completion of the 50,000
       Raising production will   A declaration of commerciality was anticipated  bpd final expansion phase targeting the Mishrif
       increase the availability   during Q1, but none has yet been forthcoming.  formation out earlier this year. WQ-2 forms
       of crude, but Baghdad   Eridu was discovered in 2016 and is esti-  the smaller of two development projects to tap
       must not lose sight of   mated to contain 7bn-12bn barrels of oil. Lukoil  the West Qurna deposit, which has estimated
       overdue work to stabilise   holds 60% in the field’s technical services con-  oil reserves of around 33bn barrels, with West
       and expand export   tract (TSC), in which it is partnered by Japan’s  Qurna-1 (WQ-1) to the south holding the larger,
       capabilities.     Inpex Corp., which holds the remainder. The  20bn barrel share.
                         field development plan anticipates peak pro-  The company is adding another 30,000 bpd
                         duction of 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) by 2027.  through the first phase of development in the
                           Lukoil agreed preliminary terms with the  Yamama formation following a three-well pilot
                         MoO for Eridu’s development in July, target-  programme that last year targeted 10,000 bpd
                         ing an initial rate of 30,000 bpd by 2024. The  from each well for a period of three months.

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