Page 9 - MEOG Week 38 2022
P. 9

MEOG                                  PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Lebanon says Egypt faces

       obstacles to gas supply deal

        LEBANON          LEBANESE Energy Minister Walid Fayyad has  was quoted as saying by Al-Masry al-Youm. “We
                         complained that Egypt is being unnecessarily  explained with the new tariff how it can cover the
                         prevented from upholding its pledge to deliver  expenses and requirements of the World Bank.”
                         natural gas to Lebanon via Syria, according to a   He continued: “[The] second thing is to
                         report from Al-Masry Al-Youm.        establish an organisational structure for the reg-
                           Fayyad noted that the three countries had  ulatory body and review it.” The plan for deliver-
                         thus far not taken any concrete steps to imple-  ing Egyptian gas to Lebanon via Syria has been
                         ment the gas supply agreement they signed three  under discussion since the summer of 2021.
                         months ago. Cairo has at least tried to sign the   The US government has voiced support for
                         contracts necessary to move the deal forward but  the initiative, which is designed to alleviate Leb-
                         has run into the same obstacles confronting all  anon’s chronic shortages of electricity by provid-
                         parties to the deal, he said.        ing enough fuel to keep 700 MW of generating
                           Fayyad identified those obstacles as the US  capacity online – that is, enough to boost local
                         Caesar Act, which imposes sanctions on Syria,  power supplies from two hours per day to 10
                         and the conditions imposed by the World Bank,  hours per day. However, planning has not moved
                         which has offered to finance the gas deal. The  forward rapidly. Fayyad said the World Bank was
                         World Bank has said that funding will hinge on  partially responsible for the slow pace of the pro-
                         reform of the Lebanese power-generating indus-  cess. The bank had, “after a phase of negotiations
                         try, which has added tens of billions of US dollars  last spring, changed [its] position and adopted
                         to the country’s total public-sector debt.   a more conservative position and added up to
                           The World Bank has “set requirements [for]  about [10] conditions” for making funding
                         up to 10 items, the most prominent of which is  available, he commented. “The Egyptian side
                         related to the increase in the tariff price, which we  confirmed its readiness completely, and we are
                         have already implemented in Lebanon,” Fayyad  waiting for the World Bank,” he added.™
                                             PRICES & PERFORMANCE

       South Pars running at 615mcm per day

        IRAN             IRAN’S state-owned South Pars Gas Co. (SGPC)  the supergiant South Pars accounting for around
                         announced this week that output from the  14 tcm as well as 18bn barrels of gas condensates.
                         supergiant gas field of the same name is running  The Islamic Republic holds a 3,700-square km
                         at 614.7mn cubic metres per day. According to  portion of the 9,700-square km deposit that
                         SPGC managing director Ahmad Bahoush, the  is shared with Qatar, where it is known as the
                         rate applies to the first five months of the current  North Dome field. Around 80% of the field’s ini-
                         Iranian calendar year.               tial gas reserves are believed to remain in place.
                           His comments came during a meeting with   Bahoush and Meskhinfam discussed the
                         Mohammad Meshkinfam, CEO of Pars Oil  urgency with which this year’s maintenance
                         and Gas Co. (POGC), which holds ultimate  should be completed in preparation for winter.
                         responsibility for the development of South   Phase 11 (SP11) is the one remaining section
                         Pars. SGPC is responsible for gas processing and  of the current upstream project to be completed.
                         other downstream facilities associated with the  It was due to be launched this month, but no
                         field, while Petropars handles on the surface and  updates have been forthcoming since that date
                         subsurface. All three firms are subsidiaries of the  was set early this year. SP11 is targeting the pro-
                         National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC).     duction of 57 mcm per day of gas, a level it was
                           The overall South Pars development includes  expected to reach by the end of the current Ira-
                         37 platforms across the field’s 24 phases, and last  nian calendar year. Petropars was left as the only
                         year the field expansion projects were inaugu-  remaining partner in the $4.879bn project, for
                         rated, which brought the field’s capacity in line  which stakes of 50.1% and 30% were awarded to
                         with its long-term target rate of 1bn cubic metres  French super-major Total (now TotalEnergies)
                         per day. However, POGC is required to carry out  and China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC)
                         extensive annual maintenance across the field’s  respectively in July 2017. The award was made
                         24 phases to ensure stable production during  for an integrated petroleum contract (IPC)
                         winter months. Iran is home to around 34 trillion  model, setting SP11’s production target at the
                         cubic metres of proven natural gas reserves, with  time at 20.8 bcm per year.™

       Week 38   21•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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