Page 12 - MEOG Week 26 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                                “As long as it takes, so Russia cannot in fact   can ease soaring energy prices in the US in the
                                           defeat Ukraine and move beyond Ukraine,”   run-up to the November elections.
       Biden’s trip to focus on            Biden said.                          dramatic step to get more oil flowing, he will
                                                                                  “The fact is that if Biden doesn’t take a
                                             Western sanctions on Russia have resulted
       Israeli integration                 in a reduction of oil on world markets.  pay a political price,” said Batmanghelidj.
                                                                                  The Newsweek report cited remarks by
                                             Before Biden’s visit, the White House has
       US President Joe Biden confirmed on   sought to play down any direct talks between   other analysts who said that additional oil
       Thursday that he would meet Saudi Arabia’s   Biden and Crown Prince Mohammed.  supplies from Iran and Venezuela, another
       King Salman as well as Crown Prince   As a presidential candidate, Mr Biden said   country under US sanctions, will help ease a
       Mohammed bin Salman when he visits   he wanted to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah”   global energy shock that has been caused by
       Riyadh next month, but stressed the trip is not   following the 2018 killing of Saudi journalist   the war in Ukraine.
       aimed at pressuring the kingdom to boost oil   Jamal Khashoggi, but his need to reduce oil   The analysts said that Iran is the only
       production amid a global price surge.  prices has forced him to request a realpolitikal   producer that can add more than 1 million
         Biden placed the primary focus of his July   rapprochement with Riyadh.  barrels per day (bpd) of oil to the international
       13-16 trip to the Middle East on relations with   A White House official said Biden “looks   markets as estimates suggest that combined
       Israel and said he would be looking to “deepen  forward to this important visit to Saudi   additional supplies from Saudi Arabia, the
       Israel’s integration with the region”.  Arabia, which has been a strategic partner of   United Arab Emirates and even Venezuela
         He added, however, that he would not   the United States for nearly eight decades”.  could hardly reach over 0.5 million bpd.
       press Saudi leaders to increase oil output to   During his visit, the president will focus on   Argus Media oil and gas analyst Nader
       help offset soaring crude prices amid Russia’s   a range of bilateral, regional, and global issues,   Itayim told the Newsweek that Iran could add
       invasion of Ukraine.                including the UN-mediated truce in Yemen   1.25 million to 1.3 million bpd to the market if
         The president said that his meetings in   as well as expanding regional economic and   it is freed from the sanctions.
       Saudi Arabia will be focused on regional   security co-operation, the official said.  The analyses come days after reports from
       issues, as he is expected to meet the leaders of   Biden will also hold talks on “deterring   a meeting of G7 group of advanced economies
       Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and GCC countries there.  threats from Iran, advancing human rights,   in Germany suggested that France had
         Playing down his meetings with Saudi   and ensuring global energy and food security”.  pressed the US for a removal of sanctions on
       leaders, Biden said he would continue to argue   Oil prices dropped after Biden’s comments.  Iran and Venezuela.
       that all Gulf states should be raising oil output,   THE NATIONAL          It also come right after Iran and the
       not only Saudi Arabia.                                                   US, along with other international powers,
         “I’ve indicated to them that I thought   Biden will pay political      resumed indirect talks in the Qatari capital
       they should be increasing oil production                                 Doha to revive a 2015 agreement on Iran’s
       generically, not to the Saudis, particularly,”   price if he ignores Iran oil  nuclear programme.
       Biden told reporters.                                                    PRESSTV
         The US leader is facing mounting anger   US President Joe Biden and his Democratic
       at home as Americans continue to spend   Party will pay a political price in the midterm
       upwards of $100 to fill their cars with petrol,   congressional election if they fail to remove   COMPANIES
       with the surge in petrol prices heaping   Iran sanctions and do not allow more Iranian
       pressure on the president and Democrats as   crude to enter the international markets, says   ADNOC signs deal
       the November midterm elections approach.  an economic analyst.
         Biden said Americans will have to stomach   Esfandyar Batmanghelidj told the   with Emirati Talent
       high prices for “as long as it takes”, tying the   Newsweek in a report published on
       pain at the pump to the invasion of Ukraine,   Wednesday that a decision to lift US sanctions   Competitiveness Council
       reiterating his view that the price increase is   on Iran will play to the benefit of Biden’s
       entirely due to “Russia, Russia, Russia”.  administration as more oil supplies from Iran   Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

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