Page 13 - MEOG Week 26 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       announced today that it has signed a strategic   NAFIS will support a sustainable and diverse   February to April 2022. One of these changes
       collaboration agreement with the Emirati   economy by enabling UAE nationals to play   is related to the new floating storage tanker,
       Talent Competitiveness Council (NAFIS) to   an increasing role in the private sector and   which was put in place instead of the previous
       accelerate recruitment of UAE talent in the   to continue to make a vital contribution in   one. This new tanker is certified to be in
       private sector, with the aim to create 3,000   advancing the nation’s economic development.  the field for several years without the need
       additional jobs for UAE nationals in its supply   Through tailored initiatives, NAFIS works to   for dry-docking for renewal of the vessel
       chain by 2025.                      integrate UAE nationals in existing and new   classification and certificate, says Rex.
         Through this agreement, ADNOC will step   fields within the private sector. The program   In addition, the mobile offshore
       up its efforts to ensure that companies in its   is based on cooperation between the federal   production unit (MOPU) was changed out
       supply chain are making use of the programs   government, local authorities and private   as well, together with a full upgrade of the
       and incentives offered by NAFIS for hiring   sector companies to achieve common interests  production facilities on board, so that, the
       local talent. ADNOC will also contribute to   and to build a stronger and more sustainable   new storage tanker and MOPU will be able to
       raising the competitiveness of UAE nationals,   economy.                 handle increased production from any new
       by encouraging them to take advantage of   ADNOC                         producing wells at the Yumna field.
       the opportunities provided by the NAFIS                                    Rex also revealed that an electric
       programme.                                                               submersible pump (ESP) inside the Yumna
         The signing of the agreement was   OIL                                 field had an operational issue during the
       witnessed by His Excellency Dr. Sultan                                   start-up process following the change-outs
       Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry   Masirah to resume                 and upgrades, adding that the ESP is now
       and Advanced Technology and Managing                                     currently operating.
       Director and Group CEO of ADNOC, as   production in two weeks              The company also confirmed that the total
       well as His Excellency Dr. Abdulrahman Al                                oil production from the three production
       Awar, Minister of Human Resources and   Singapore’s Rex International has revealed   wells – Yumna 1, Yumna 2 and Yumna 3 –
       Emiratisation. The agreement was signed   that its subsidiary, Masirah Oil, is putting the   on the Yumna field has steadily increased to
       by His Excellency Ghannam Al Mazrouei,   wheels into motion to resume production at   4,800 stb/d and is expected to resume at the
       Secretary General of NAFIS and Mr   a field in the Block 50 concession offshore   same production rates as before the upgrade
       Abdulmunim Al Kindi, Executive Director of   Oman after it was stopped due to oil leakage.   of the production facilities.
       People, Technology and Corporate Services in   The firm is also actively working on securing   Moreover, the firm intends to carry out
       ADNOC.                              a rig for its drilling campaign, which is   a further review of the ESP performance,
         H.E. Dr. Sultan Al Jaber said: “Through   scheduled to be carried out later this year.  elaborating that a replacement will be
       the creation of the NAFIS programme, the   Rex International informed on Thursday,   considered in conjunction with the upcoming
       UAE leadership has demonstrated its strong   23 June 2022, that the production from the   drilling campaign in the fourth quarter of
       commitment to unlocking opportunities for   Yumna field has been shut in since 11 June   2022.
       local talent to work and succeed in the private   2022, when a “minor oil leakage” in the   In regards to its rig search to secure a
       sector. Inspired by this vision, ADNOC is   flowline was detected.       jack-up drilling rig for this drilling campaign
       fully committed to working with NAFIS and   The firm explained that retrieval and   – development/exploration wells – to be
       private corporations in our supply chain to   replacement of the flowline are currently   conducted in October/November 2022 when
       facilitate and promote the matching of UAE   underway while production is expected to   the monsoon season is over, Rex advised that
       talent with private sector opportunities. I   be restarted in about two weeks based on the   it is ongoing.
       warmly welcome this agreement, which   “current estimated delivery of equipment/  Masirah Oil holds a 100 per cent interest
       is closely aligned to our broader efforts to   material and dependent upon weather   in the Block 50 concession, while Rex
       support the expansion of a dynamic industral   conditions during installation operations.”  International holds an effective interest of
       sector in the UAE, and create new high quality   The company further added that “major   91.81 per cent in Masirah Oil.
       job opportunities.”                 change-outs” and upgrades were made to   OE
         As the UAE prepares for its next 50 years,   the Yumna field production facilities from

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