Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 42
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       SERVICES                            Yuma Exploration and Production Company,   cancelled. Additionally, the secured creditor,
                                           Davis Petroleum and the Yuma Companies,   YE Investment an affiliate of Red Mountain
       Seadrill Partners                   announced today that its voluntary Chapter   Capital Partners and the Unsecured Creditors
                                           11 petition for relief under the United States
                                                                                Committee (UCC) were unable to resolve
       announces contract award            Bankruptcy Code in the US Bankruptcy   disputes. Subsequently, with the concurrence
                                                                                of YEI and the UCC, the company engaged
                                           Court for the Northern District of Texas, filed
       for the West Vela                   on April 15, 2020, has been converted to a   in discussions with a potential acquirer in
                                           Chapter 7 liquidation.
                                                                                an attempt to reorganise through a business
       Seadrill Partners has secured additional work   The debtors intended to use the Chapter 11   sale. The potential acquirer terminated these
       for the West Vela in the US Gulf of Mexico   process to implement the orderly liquidation   discussions on October 13, 2020. Having no
       with BP. The contract value for the firm   of their assets in an effort to maximise   further viable options, the Bankruptcy Court
       portion is expected to be $23.8mn and the   values and recoveries for all stakeholders   issued an order approving the conversion
       contract is expected to run until early of April   and subsequently obtained court approval   of the Chapter 11 cases of the debtors to
       2021.                               to conduct an auction for all of their assets,   Chapter 7 liquidations on October 19, 2020.
       SEADRILL PARTNERS, October 15, 2020  which primarily consist of operating and   Concurrent with the appointment of a
                                           non-operating interests in several properties   Chapter 7 Trustee, Mr. Anthony C. Schnur
                                           located in Louisiana, Texas, Wyoming and   (Yuma’s chief restructuring officer) and the
       MOVES                               Oklahoma.                            company’s directors will no longer control
                                              Unfortunately, as a result of the severe   the debtors, including any operation of the
       Chapter 11 bankruptcy               downturn in commodity prices, multiple   debtors, the liquidation of assets, and the
                                           operating issues affecting production and
                                                                                resolution of liabilities.
       proceedings converted to            operating costs, the inability of debtors to   YUMA ENERGY, October 20, 2020
                                           conduct remedial well operations to maintain
       Chapter 7 liquidation               cash flows, general industry conditions
                                           and other factors, bids received for the
       Yuma Energy, together with its subsidiaries   properties were minimal and the auction was

       Week 42   22•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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