Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 42
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US slaps broader sanctions on

       Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

        US-EUROPE        THE  US Department of State (DoS) has  range of sanctions authorities to halt construc-
                         expanded sanctions against Russia’s Nord  tion of these pipelines,” the State Department
                         Stream 2 gas pipeline, casting further doubt on  said.
                         the controversial project’s completion.  Russia has its own pipelaying vessels on
                           The new sanctions will apply to any compa-  standby in northern Europe to finish Nord
                         nies “providing services or facilities or upgrades  Stream 2, but it is unclear whether they have the   The broadening of
                         or installation of equipment” for vessels taking  means to complete the task alone.
                         part in Nord Stream 2, as well as those funding   The broadening of sanctions against the pro-  sanctions against
                         such upgrades and installations, the DoS said on  ject is likely to drive a further wedge between
                         October 20.                          the US and Germany, a firm supporter of Nord   the project is
                           Companies will have 30 days to end their  Stream 2. While Washington argues the pipeline
                         involvement in the project before getting black-  is a threat to EU energy and political independ-  likely to drive a
                         listed under the Protecting Europe’s Energy  ence, Berlin has said it is commercial enterprise   further wedge
                         Security Act (PEESA) of 2019. Previously the  that will increase Europe’s access to cheap gas.
                         act only applied to those providing the vessels   In an interview with German media on Octo-  between the US
                         themselves.                          ber 17, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
                           PEESA came into force in December, forcing  slammed the US for interfering.  and Germany.
                         Swiss-based pipelayer Allseas to withdraw from   “We decide our energy policy and our energy
                         Nord Stream 2 and causing work on the pipeline  supplies here in Europe,” he said. “We don’t criti-
                         to grind to a halt with just 6% of its offshore sec-  cise the US for more than doubling its oil imports
                         tion left to complete. In other words, there are  from Russia in the past year. The US exercises its
                         only 150 km of pipeline that remain to be laid, all  right to an independent energy policy. So do we.”
                         in Danish waters.                      Germany’s government had previously
                           The sanctions also apply to Russia’s Turk-  said Nord Stream 2’s future might be on the
                         Stream pipeline in the Black Sea, even though  line if Russia did not provide answers on the
                         that project was completed at the start of the year.  attempted assassination of opposition leader
                           “The Department of State and the Depart-  Alexei Navalny. But it has since stepped back
                         ment of the Treasury are prepared to use the full  from this position.™

       Week 42   22•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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