Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 42
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Parsley’s founder
                                                                                                  and chairman, Bryan
                                                                                                  Sheffield (left), is
                                                                                                  the son of Pioneer’s
                                                                                                  president and CEO,
                                                                                                  Scott Sheffield (right).

                         handful of attractive acquisition targets in the   “There are some investors who worry this
                         shale industry.                      could be an outrageous conflict of interest and
                           “Size, scope and scale have become more  there are others who really believe if the deal’s
                         important,” said Concho’s CEO, Timothy Leach,  in everyone’s interest then it’s fine,” a Sankey
                         who will run the combined company’s US pro-  Research analyst, Paul Sankey, commented.
                         duction excluding Alaska following the merger.   Separately a JPMorgan Chase & Co. analyst,
                         “This combination with ConocoPhillips was the  Arun Jayaram, said in a note that the family
                         best thing for our shareholders.”    connection probably meant that “any potential
                           The transaction is anticipated to close in the  transaction would need to clear an incremental
                         first quarter of 2021.               layer of scrutiny from each company’s [board of
                                                              directors] before reaching the finish line”.
                         Pioneer and Parsley                   And a Citigroup analyst, Scott Gruber, said
                         The Pioneer-Parsley deal, confirmed on October  the family connection may help the two compa-
                         20, is entirely Permian-focused. The transaction  nies decide on who ends up with the most senior
                         has been valued at roughly $4.5bn as of Octo-  roles following the merger. “We think the social
                         ber 19, and $7.6bn including the assumption of  elements of a potential tie-up may be more
                         Parsley’s debt. Parsley shareholders will receive  straightforward to navigate,” he wrote in a note.
                         0.1252 shares of Pioneer common stock for each
                         share of Parsley common stock owned.  What next?
                           The companies said the combined entity  At least a few more M&As are expected to take
                         would be the leading Permian independent  place between shale producers, with Stifel ana-
                         exploration and production firm with an asset  lysts identifying Cimarex Energy as possibly the   At least a few
                         base of around 930,000 net acres (3,764 square  top remaining target given its free cash flow pro-
                         km) and a production base of 328,000 barrels  file and “clean” corporate structure. They added   more M&As are
                         per day (bpd) of oil and 558,000 boepd in total  that they also consider Continental Resources   expected to take
                         as of the second quarter of 2020. Based on  and Diamondback Energy to be among the top
                         proven reserves as of the end of 2019, this trans-  remaining candidates for M&A deals.  place between
                         action will increase Pioneer’s proven reserves by   Meanwhile, Susquehanna analyst Biju Per-
                         around 65%.                          incheril said combinations involving compa- shale producers.
                           The two companies also expect their combi-  nies such as Cimarex, Marathon Oil and Apache
                         nation to result in synergies worth $325mn per  “could make sense to lower cost structures”,
                         year.                                while Diamondback was the only remaining
                           Media sources noted that some concerns had  mid-to-large-cap pure-play Permian operator.
                         been raised over a potential conflict of interest   On a conference call with analysts, Scott Shef-
                         – Pioneer’s president and CEO, Scott Sheffield,  field said there would only be 3-4 independents
                         is the father of Parsley’s founder and chairman,  that are “investable by shareholders” among oil
                         Bryan Sheffield. Data compiled by Bloomb-  and gas producers following this year’s down-
                         erg show that the Sheffields have more of their  turn and the wave of consolidation that is now
                         wealth tied up in Parsley than Pioneer. Bryan’s  underway. He suggested that the “real survivors”
                         2.7% stake in Parsley is valued at about $105mn,  will be Pioneer-Parsley, EOG Resources, Cono-
                         making him the firm’s 11th largest shareholder,  coPhillips and “maybe” Hess over the long term.
                         while Scott’s stake in Pioneer is worth about  “The best companies have been picked off the
                         $51mn.                               past few weeks.”™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   22•October•2020
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