Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 42
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NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         award 10-year operational management service   shaping the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then
                         contracts for work on the plant’s auxiliary units.  please click here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor .
                         Further north, Mexican officials say that state-
                         owned Pemex has wrapped up work on the first  North America: M&A activity accelerates
                         phase of the Dos Bocas oil refinery, which is now  After a lacklustre start to the year, M&As are
                         under construction in Tabasco State. The project  picking up in North America. (See: US oil and
                         was 24% complete as of October 18, according to  gas M&A activity gains momentum, page 9) This
                         Oil & Gas Journal.                   started with Chevron’s move to acquire Noble
                                                              Energy, announced this summer and recently
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   completed, and several large deals have followed
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   suit.
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .  Now all eyes have turned to the shale patch,
                                                              where ConocoPhillips has confirmed its acqui-
                         MEOG: Major opportunity knocks in Saudi  sition of Concho Resources. Meanwhile, sepa-
                         Companies have resumed bidding for work  rate news of a potential tie-up between Pioneer
                         under Saudi Aramco’s giant unconventional gas  Natural Resources and Parsley Energy were
                         development plan after a hiatus caused by the  confirmed this week, within days of first being
                         coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The state  reported.
                         oil firm is planning to spend $110bn to develop   News of the ConocoPhillips-Concho deal
                         the onshore Jafurah gas field located in the pro-  first emerged last week, and were confirmed in   Unsurprisingly,
                         lific Eastern Province, and four engineering,  a press release on October 19. Like a number
                         procurement and construction (EPC) firms are  of recent mergers, it is an all-stock transaction,   the Permian
                         understood to have submitted bids for a major  illustrating producers’ unwillingness to spend
                         package.                             money under current market conditions. The   seems to be
                           In Saudi Arabia, Aramco’s long-term agree-  transaction is valued at $9.7bn, and represents
                         ments (LTAs) reign supreme, with signatories  a 15% premium to the companies’ closing share   one of the main
                         receiving near-exclusive access to tenders for  prices on October 13, with Concho investors   regions where
                         hydrocarbon development work. While work to  standing to receive 1.46 shares of ConocoPhillips
                         expand production from the supergiant Berri,  stock for each of their own.  consolidation is
                         Marjan and Zuluf oilfields is understood to have   For ConocoPhillips, which has both conven-
                         been put on hold, Aramco has ring-fenced Jafu-  tional and unconventional operations, this deal  currently playing
                         rah as a project of strategic importance to the  will bolster its shale holdings, transforming its
                         Kingdom, which is keen to ramp up gas output.  position in the prolific Permian Basin.  out.
                         When the field reaches its production plateau in   Unsurprisingly, the Permian seems to be one
                         2036, it is anticipated to yield 2.2bn cubic feet per  of the main regions where consolidation is cur-
                         day of sales gas and 550,000 barrels per day (bpd)  rently playing out. The acquisition of Noble also
                         of NGLs and condensates.             bolstered Chevron’s position in the Permian’s
                           Across the border in the UAE, ADNOC  Delaware sub-basin, while the merger between
                         has remained in the headlines by continuing  Devon Energy and WPX Energy, announced in
                         its efforts to exert greater control over the full  late September, is also underpinned by a position
                         hydrocarbon value chain. Over the last month,  in the core of the Delaware.
                         the company has set up two new trading arms,   And indeed, the newly announced Pio-
                         bought crude carriers and divested further  neer-Parsley deal is entirely Permian-focused.
                         from its gas pipeline subsidiary. The moves are  The $4.5bn all-stock transaction will create
                         not only keeping ADNOC’s name in the head-  a major Permian player with about $10bn in
                         lines, but the firm is leading from the front as  combined revenues and production of more
                         other Gulf NOCs seek to monetise assets to free  than 550,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         up cash amid uncertainty about oil prices and  (boepd).
                         demand.                                Analysts believe that at least a handful of
                                                              other major shale players are attractive acquisi-
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events   tion targets.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   22•October•2020
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