Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 42
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       US oil and gas M&A activity

       gains momentum

       Two further major M&A deals involving US oil producers have been

       confirmed over the past week as consolidation picks up

        US               AFTER a lacklustre start to the year, mergers and  ConocoPhillips and Concho
                         acquisitions (M&As) are picking up in the US,  The ConocoPhillips-Concho transaction is val-
       WHAT:             and especially in the shale patch. The recent spate  ued at $9.7bn, making it the third-largest US
       Two further M&A deals   of deal-making started with Chevron’s move to  energy deal this year. It represents a 15% pre-
       between US producers   acquire Noble Energy, announced this summer  mium to the companies’ closing share prices on
       have been confirmed.  and recently completed. Several large deals have  October 13, with Concho investors standing to
                         followed suit, including Southwestern Energy’s  receive 1.46 shares of ConocoPhillips stock for
       WHY:              move to acquire Montage Resources in an Appa-  each of their own.
       Producers are seeking to   lachian Basin tie-up and the “merger of equals”   For ConocoPhillips this deal will bolster its
       achieve scale, synergies   between Devon Energy and WPX Energy.  shale holdings, transforming its position in the
       and cost savings through   Over the past week, two further major  prolific Permian Basin. The combined company
       consolidation.    deals have been confirmed following initial  will have an enterprise value of around $60bn,
                         media reports that they were imminent. In  and will offer a “superior investment choice” to
       WHAT NEXT:        the first, ConocoPhillips confirmed its acqui-  shareholders, ConocoPhillips said in an Octo-
       Analysts believe a handful   sition of Concho Resources, after Bloomberg  ber 19 statement. The combined portfolio will
       of takeover candidates   cited sources familiar with the matter as say-  comprise a resource base of roughly 23bn bar-
       remains among shale   ing the two were close to finalising a deal. (See  rels of oil equivalent (boe) with a cost of supply
       operators.        NorthAmOil Week 41) Then Pioneer Natural  below $40 per barrel of West Texas Intermediate
                         Resources confirmed Wall Street Journal and  (WTI) and an average cost of supply less than
                         Financial Times reports that it was acquiring  $30 per barrel WTI. Following the deal’s com-
                         Parsley Energy.                      pletion, the combined company will produce
                           Like a number of recent mergers, the latest  1.5mn barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).
                         deals are both all-stock transactions, illustrating   The two companies expect to achieve around
                         producers’ unwillingness to spend money under  $500mn per year of cost and capital savings by
                         current market conditions. And given that three  2022 thanks to the transaction.
                         out of four companies involved are pure-play   Analysts commented that ConocoPhillips’
                         shale producers – with ConocoPhillips the  move showed that big oil companies were now
                         exception thanks to its mix of conventional and  ready to use this year’s industry downturn and
                         unconventional operations – they illustrate that  the resulting decline in asset valuations to build
                         shale acreage remains an appealing target.  scale in shale. And Concho was seen as one of a

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