Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 42
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Ottawa approves Nova Gas

       Transmission expansion

        ALBERTA          THE Canadian government has approved a  proposed by the Canada Energy Regulator
                         CAD2.3bn ($1.7bn) expansion of the Alberta  (CER) and added one new condition, with the
                         portion of TC Energy’s Nova Gas Transmission  changes aimed at better addressing indigenous
                         Ltd (NGTL) gas-gathering and transportation  rights and mitigating the impacts of construction
                         system. The expansion is expected to contrib-  on caribou habitat. As a result, TC Energy will
                         ute around CAD1.2bn ($913mn) to Alberta’s  now be required to restore 3,840 hectares (38.4
                         economy.                             square km) of caribou habitat – an area 30 times
                           The NGTL system, which spans Alberta and  the size of the habitat that is set to be affected by
                         north-eastern British Columbia, carries gas pro-  the project. An indigenous working group will
                         duced in the Western Canadian Sedimentary  also be formed to assist with the restoration and
                         Basin (WCSB) to markets in Canada and the US.  monitoring plan.
                         The expansion will add 344 km of new pipeline   TC Energy said in an October 20 statement
                         to the existing 24,568-km system from west of  that it expected to begin preparing for the start of
                         Red Deer to near Grande Prairie, Alberta.  construction immediately. The company antic-
                           Natural Resources Canada said the expansion  ipates that compressor station field work will
                         would help to facilitate Canada’s planned phase-  begin in December 2020, followed by the start of
                         out of coal-fired power generation by 2030.  pipeline construction activities in January 2021.
                         Canadian Minister of Natural Resources Seamus   The expansion will enter service over 2021-
                         O’Regan said the expansion had been approved  22. TC Energy described it as a “critical com-
                         by the government as part of a “commitment to  ponent” of the CAD9.9bn ($7.5bn) NGTL
                         moving forward with good projects.”  infrastructure programme, which is currently
                           The approval is dependent on the fulfilment  underway. The programme will add 3.5bn cubic
                         of 35 conditions. O’Regan said the govern-  feet (99mn cubic metres) per day of incremental
                         ment had strengthened five of the conditions  delivery capacity between 2020 and 2024.™

       Kinder Morgan receives green light

       to start Acadiana construction

        LOUISIANA        KINDER Morgan has received permission from  modifications and add control valves at a bidi-
                         the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission  rectional meter station in Evangeline Parish, as
                         (FERC) to begin construction on the Acadiana  well as building auxiliary facilities.
                         natural gas expansion project in Louisiana.  The Acadiana expansion project comes as
                           The $143mn project will add around 950mn  Cheniere is in the process of a sixth liquefaction
                         cubic feet (27mn cubic metres) per day of gas  train at Sabine Pass. The train is anticipated to
                         capacity flowing south from existing pipeline  enter service in the second half of 2022.
                         interconnects on the Kinder Morgan Louisiana   In other news for Cheniere, the company is
                         Pipeline (KMLP) system by expanding com-  reported not to have received any cargo cancel-
                         pression facilities. Kinder Morgan said most of  lations for loading in December from its two
                         this gas would go to Cheniere Energy’s Sabine  Gulf Coast terminals. This is the first time this
                         Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana, while  has happened since the coronavirus (COVID-
                         the remainder would be available for sale to the  19) pandemic hit global energy demand began
                         market.                              in March, and has been welcomed as a sign of
                           The project is anticipated to be in service  recovery in the LNG market ahead of winter.
                         around the second quarter of 2022.     For Cheniere, which was hardest hit by US
                           Kinder Morgan’s application for the Acadi-  cargo cancellations as the country’s largest LNG
                         ana project was filed in June 2019, requesting  exporter, this marks a piece of good news during a
                         the FERC’s approval to add three 31,900-horse-  largely disruptive year. The company also said this
                         power gas turbine compressor units at the  week that the cause of a fire on October 11 in Train
                         company’s existing Compressor Station 760  1 was still under investigation and the equipment
                         in Acadia Parish, Louisiana. Kinder Morgan  – within a thermal oxidiser – remained isolated
                         also requested permission to make piping  while repairs were taking place.™

       Week 42   22•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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