Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 17

LatAmOil                                          PERU                                             LatAmOil

                         This will allow the company to continue export-  Petroperu that effectively deals with the legacy
                         ing crude from its flagship asset, the Bretaña   contingent liability and ensures that PetroTal is
                         field, via Petroperu’s Northern Oil Pipeline   substantially protected against future oil price
                         (ONP), it said.                      volatility through hedging arrangements.”
                           The Canadian independent also noted that   He continued: “Petroperu’s pipeline and
                         some of the terms of the oil sales contract had   refinery network are important elements of
                         been revised. Other changes include provisions   PetroTal’s ongoing Bretaña oilfield develop-
                         that give Petroperu 240 days from the date oil   ment, and the company embraces the strong
                         arrives at Pump Station #1 at Saramuro to pay   working relationship it has with Petroperu. In
                         the invoices submitted by PetroTal, taking into   addition to the company’s recently announced
                         account the extended time needed to finalise   successful pilot oil export through Brazil, this
                         export sales. Additionally, the revised contract   agreement with Petroperu that ensures future
                         provides for PetroTal to “continue to have the   oil sales into the ONP, along with settlement of
                         ability to immediately factor future invoices,   the contingent liability, significantly enhances
                         at a nominal rate, and therefore cash flow is   PetroTal’s operations.” ™
                         expected to remain largely unaffected by this
                         longer invoice period.”
                           The revisions also lay the groundwork for
                         price hedging, adjustment of initial differentials
                         and other measures designed to optimise the
                         value of the crude oil that PetroTal and Petrop-
                         eru bring to market via ONP.
                           Meanwhile, the parties have also signed a
                         separate agreement resolving the contingent
                         liability that arose as a result of the dramatic
                         fall in world oil prices last year. Under this deal,
                         PetroTal will settle this liability, which concerns
                         2.4mn barrels of crude worth $16.6mn, on a
                         one-time basis, with payments to be made over
                         a period of three years.
                           The statement also noted that PetroTal and
                         Petroperu were still working together to estab-
                         lish an alternative export route for crude from
                         Bretaña, following the successful conclusion of
                         the first pilot shipment of 106,000 barrels last
                           They are now looking to carry out a second
                         pilot shipment, sending 200,000 barrels of oil via
                         barge down the Amazon River to Brazil’s Atlan-
                         tic coast, in February 2021, it noted.
                           Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker, the presi-
                         dent and CEO of PetroTal, said his company
                         was “pleased to finalise this agreement with   The Canadian company exports oil via the ONP system (Image: PetroTal)

       Quito prepares for talks on refinery lease

                         ECUADOR’S government will soon receive a   Rene Ortiz, Ecuador’s Minister of Energy
                         formal proposal from a US-Korean consortium   and Non-Renewable Resources, said last week
                         for the lease and modernisation of the 110,000   that the upcoming contract negotiations were a
                         barrel per day (bpd) Esmeraldas oil refinery.  sign of an improvement in the country’s invest-
                           According to press report, the consortium,   ment climate. “This marks the return of Amer-
                         which includes US-based KBR and South   ican companies, which were mistreated during
                         Korea’s Hyundai, is due to present its offer on   the previous regime,” he said during an Institute
                         February 19. The group submitted the only offer   of the Americas roundtable discussion.
                         for the project during a tender held last year.  The contract under discussion will allow the
                           Ecuadorean officials have estimated the value   consortium to lease the refinery for 25 years.
                         of the operatorship and modernisation works at   The partners must also install deep conversion
                         around $3bn. Morgan Stanley is anticipated to   technology that will allow the plant to turn out
                         structure a financing deal for the project.  fuels that meet Euro-5 standards. ™

       Week 03   21•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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