Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 19

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The objectives of the Pilot CO2 EOR have been  commercial proposition for Trinidad’s 13 high-  potentially more efficient alternative to water-
       successfully achieved, despite the unforeseen  est ranked mature onshore oil fields that have to  flood and has established the Company as the
       COVID-19 pandemic; electrical power outages  date produced over 1.75bn barrels of oil prior  leading services provider for mobile CO2 injec-
       influencing the efficiency of the Inniss-Trinity  to their consideration as being suitable for CO2  tion for enhanced oil recovery. The success-
       field operations, the understandable regulatory  EOR operations. Expansion of CO2 EOR is sub-  ful development of the CO2 EOR business in
       delays due equally to COVID-19 and the intro-  ject to increasing available CO2 off-take and the  Trinidad allows the business to be valued on the
       duction of a new CO2 EOR operating system  Pilot CO2 EOR provides the commercial model  basis of its assets, invested project costs, existing
       being employed for the first time in Trinidad at  for a Finance Investment Decision by others in  contracts, goodwill and CO2 EOR operational
       the Inniss-Trinity field, the requirement for flexi-  the future.        experience.
       ble operations to find solutions to overcome well   Forward programme: Swab four wells to eval-  Paul Griffiths, CEO of Predator Oil & Gas
       integrity issues in some of the wells in the AT-4  uate well condition and, if suitable, return to pro-  Holdings, commented: “The excellent results
       Block that were drilled over 60 years ago, and the  duction, including potentially perforating the  from the Pilot CO2 EOR project, despite a
       increasing competition for workover rig time.  Herrera #2 Sand in one well that had not been  challenging operational environment due to
         During the period of the Pilot CO2 EOR  previously produced from this reservoir. Timing  COVID-19, has de-risked the case for CO2
       operations, the commercial model has been  of well workovers will depend on rig availabil-  EOR and established the Company as the
       strengthened by optimising operating costs, the  ity and any COVID-19 delays for the import of  ground-breaking leader in CO2 EOR expertise
       rise in WTI oil price from $30.74 per barrel on  packers for downhole completions.  and delivery onshore Trinidad and within the
       May 18, 2020, to $53.02 per barrel on January   Commence CO2 injection at new rates  wider Caribbean region. Results more than just
       15, 2021, and the increased threshold to $75 per  determined by the results of the Pilot CO2 EOR  support pre-Pilot CO2 EOR forecasts and cre-
       barrel before Supplementary Petroleum Profit  Project and maintain for up to twelve months to  ate a solid foundation for expanding production
       Tax is applied to operating profits.  reach, by cumulative monthly growth, target pla-  growth over the next twelve months. Expand-
         Commercial considerations: Injected CO2  teau production for the Herrera #2 Sand in the  ing our successful CO2 EOR business can be
       volumes for the Pilot CO2 EOR, the key metric  AT-4 Block in the range 243 to 547 bpd, in align-  achieved by increasing production revenues
       for minimising operating costs, are currently at  ment with pre-Pilot CO2 EOR desktop forecasts.  and also by offering fee-paying services to other
       the lower end of desktop estimates made prior to   Business development: The pre-Pilot CO2  operators with profit-sharing entitlements.”
       the commencement of operations.     EOR success has de-risked CO2 EOR in Trini-  Predator Oil & Gas Holdings, January 20 2021
         Combined with increased oil prices, changes  dad and has provided the commercial, environ-
       to SPPT and early confirmation of enhanced  mental and technical model for future projects.
       production profiles potentially in line with the  Capitalising upon this proven, fully integrated,  PETROCHEMICALS
       upper end of pre-Pilot CO2 EOR forecasts,  working business model, expertise, and the
       enhanced near-term operating profitability  exclusivity of liquid CO2 supply by introducing   Commercial operations
       is now considered to be achievable, subject to  a fee-paying and profits-sharing service under
       efficient operational and regulatory procedures  the commercial model established by the Com-  commence at methanol/
       based on the learning curve established during  pany for Inniss-Trinity CO2 EOR, is now a prac-
       Pilot CO2 EOR.                      tical near-term objective of the Company. Five   dimethyl ether plant in
         At WTI oil price of $50 per barrel, projected  in-country operators and two international State
       EBITDA net-backs per barrel of oil for the P50  oil companies have made initial exploratory   Trinidad and Tobago
       and P10 pre-Pilot CO2 EOR production profiles  approaches to assess suitability of CO2 EOR for
       at plateau production are estimated to be in the  some of their producing, mature, oil field assets.  Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. (MGC), Mitsub-
       range $15-25 per barrel. There are no new capital   Enhanced Oil Recovery is likely to become  ishi Corp. (MC) and Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-
       investment costs required.          a key component of work programme com-  tries Engineering (MHIENG) have teamed up
         Resources potential: 459,000 barrels, repre-  mitments required to extend Incremental Pro-  with National Gas Co. (NGC) of Trinidad and
       senting a 15.9% recovery factor over five years  duction Service Contracts. The successful CO2  Tobago and Massy Holdings, a joint venture in
       based on STOIP of 2.887mn barrels, are poten-  EOR Pilot has demonstrated a practical and  the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean
       tially recoverable using CO2 EOR from the Her-                           Gas Chemical Ltd (CGCL), to launch commer-
       rera #2 Sand in the AT-4 Block in Inniss-Trinity.                        cial operations of a methanol and dimethyl ether
       The CO2 EOR Pilot has de-risked “the pending                             (DME) plant.
       development” CPR definition of these resources.                            CGCL was established in March 2013, and
       A further 410,000 barrels may be recoverable for                         it completed construction. Fueled primarily by
       other Herrera reservoirs in the AT-4 Block using                         natural gas sourced from Trinidad and Tobago,
       CO2 EOR.                                                                 the plant has an annual production capacity
         CO2 EOR resources, pending development,                                of 1mn tonnes of methanol and 20,000 tonsne
       for the entire Inniss-Trinity field were deter-                          of DME. It began operating commercially in
       mined to be 6.8mn barrels (Best Estimate or                              December 18, 2020.
       equivalent to P50 case) by SLR Consulting (Ire-                            Currently, the global demand for methanol
       land) Ltd. Exclusivity of liquid CO2 supply in                           is approximately 81mn tonnes per year, and that
       Trinidad dictates that these resources are best                          is expected to increase steadily in step with GDP
       developed by the specialist services provided by                         growth. Through this business, MGC, MC and
       the Company and not through licence or asset                             MHIENG are aiming to help meet that demand
       acquisition.                                                             and provide a boost to economic growth in the
         Successful Pilot CO2 EOR has de-risked                                 Caribbean.
       medium- and long-term CO2 EOR as a                                       Mitsubishi, January 19 2021

       Week 03   21•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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