Page 20 - LatAmOil Week 03 2021
P. 20

LatAmOil                            NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

       SERVICES                               Karyna Rodriguez, VP Global New Ventures,  located in the state of Espírito Santo. Potential
                                           said, “Peru has significant estimated prospective  buyers qualified for this phase will receive a
       Searcher announces                  resources of more than 20bn boe. A consistent,  process letter with detailed instructions on the
                                           enhanced seismic and well database will provide  divestment process, including guidelines for
       multi-client campaign               an essential tool to unlock some of this substan-  due diligence and the submission of binding
                                           tial potential in the next phase of onshore explo-
       onshore Peru                        ration as well as in the evaluation of the blocks   The Cluster currently comprises four fields:
                                           to be offered in the upcoming Bidding Round.  Cancã, Fazenda Alegre, Fazenda São Rafael and
       Searcher, a leading service provider of global  Searcher is fully committed to supporting  Fazenda Santa Luzia. The North Capixaba Ter-
       geoscience products for exploration and produc-  Peru’s onshore and offshore future exploration  minal and all the production facilities contained
       tion companies, has announced a new Onshore  activities.”                in the ring fence of the concessions are also part
       Peru Campaign, in collaboration with PeruPetro   Searcher’s Onshore Peru Data Library pro-  of the Cluster, besides the ownership of some
       2D and 3D Seismic Rectification and a Well  vides an excellent regional framework across  lands.
       Atlas including post-drill analysis will provide  the onshore basins including those with proven   In 2020, the average production of the North
       a renewed and enhanced dataset to support  prolific oil prospectivity and those that remain  Capixaba Cluster was 7,020 barrels of oil per day
       future bid rounds, regional evaluations and due  dramatically underexplored. The Onshore Peru  and 60,400 cubic metres per day of gas. Petrobras
       diligence of existing commercial opportunities.  Data Library aims to address the unexplored  is the operator of these fields and holds 100%
         The Onshore Peru 2D & 3D Rectification  potential through the rectification of the seismic  stake.
       consists of both 2D and 3D vintage seismic data  and well datasets.      Petrobras, January 15 2021
       which has been rectified with Searcher’s pro-  The Onshore Peru datasets complements
       prietary post-stack reprocessing method. The  Searcher’s Offshore Peru Data Library to now   Edison Group: Canacol
       post-stack reprocessing rectifies navigation,  provide full country coverage both onshore
       metadata, amplitude, phase and time to create  and offshore. The Offshore Peru Data Library   Energy ready to exploit
       a contiguous database that can be easily loaded  likewise consists of an Offshore Peru Well Atlas
       into any interpretation software. The dataset is  and Offshore Peru 2D and 3D Rectification   Colombia’s gas market
       comprised of approximately 104,500 km of 2D  of approximately 49,000 km of 2D and 17,300
       and over 7,000 square km of 3D rectified seismic  square km of 3D. The complete Peru Data  As we look across the E&P investment universe,
       surveys.                            Library will be available on Searcher’s on-de-  few companies potentially offer greater asym-
         From an initial delivery of at least 400 explo-  mand seismic web platform, sAIsmic.  metric risk/reward upside compared with Can-
       ration wells, a subset will be selected for the   Searcher, January 14 2021  acol. The company is playing into a tightening
       Onshore Peru Well Atlas. Searcher’s G&G team,                            Colombian gas market, which should continue
       Discover Geoscience, will undertake a post-drill                         to support favourable pricing and longer-term
       well analysis of key exploration/appraisal wells  INVESTMENT             growth plans. However, even with existing
       across basins to complement the onshore seis-                            pipeline infrastructure and a conservative out-
       mic database. The horizons will be remapped,   Petrobras starts binding   look on exploration and appraisal success, our
       wells reanalysed, and detailed risk assessment                           2P+ risked exploration base case valuation of
       undertaken to create a modern well atlas.  phase of North Capixaba       CAD5.87 per share represents 59% upside to
         The  Onshore  Peru  Campaign  comes  in                                the current share price, while the downside is
       anticipation of PeruPetro plans to announce an   Cluster sale process    protected through existing take-or-pay con-
       Onshore Bidding Round during the first quarter                           tracts that suggest a low case based on 2021
       of 2021. PeruPetro will launch a bidding process  Petrobras, following up on the press release dis-  take-or-pay contracted capacity (153 mcf per
       for six blocks in the Talara Basin. The purpose  closed on September 29, 2020, announces the  day) of CAD3.50 per share. Under our current
       is to find companies interested in improving the  beginning of the binding phase regarding the  assumptions, which include Canacol’s dividend
       productivity of these mature fields with second-  sale of the totality of its stakes in a set of four  equivalent to a 5.7% yield, we anticipate planned
       ary recovery and the implementation of new  onshore field concessions, with integrated facil-  capex and cash dividends to be covered by the
       technologies.                       ities, jointly named North Capixaba Cluster,  company’s existing cash and cash generation.
                                                                                  Our base case valuation stands at CAD5.87
                                                                                per share and assumes the world will return
                                                                                to normal in 2022, with gas sales resuming to
                                                                                pre-COVID-19 levels. With fixed gas prices for
                                                                                the medium term and 624 bcf 2P reserves, the
                                                                                downside exposure to this valuation is limited to
                                                                                exploration success and decreased gas demand.
                                                                                In a scenario where exploration adds zero value,
                                                                                core NAV stands at CAD3.62 per share.
                                                                                  Conversely, utilising existing infrastruc-
                                                                                ture to the maximum suggests an unrisked
                                                                                upside valuation of CAD7.78 per share, while
                                                                                the expansion case currently being progressed
                                                                                could increase the upside valuation to CAD9.17
                                                                                per share.
                                                                                Edison Group, January 14 2021

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   21•January•2021
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