Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 27 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                our drilling capacity in Brazil and will further
                                                                                enhance our understanding of Bacalhau North
                                                                                through an ADR (Reservoir Data Acquisition)
                                                                                well. The decision to bring in DS-17 demon-
                                                                                strates our commitment to create value in Brazil,
                                                                                where we have a long-term presence perspec-
                                                                                tive,” says Veronica Rezende Coelho, country
                                                                                manager in Brazil.
                                                                                  DS-17 is an ultra-deepwater drillship, capable
                                                                                of operating in water depths of more than 3,600
                                                                                  Partners in Bacalhau: Equinor 40% (opera-
                                                                                tor), ExxonMobil 40%, Petrogal Brasil 20% and
                                                                                Pré-sal Petróleo SA (production sharing agree-
       The Company estimates that, on completion, the  choices that were made during the Pandemic  ment manager, not an investor).
       aggregate effect of the three sets of infrastructure  creating a strong operational platform on which   Equinor, July 5 2022
       upgrades described above could, including the  to build. Having stabilised the business, we are
       up to 240 bpd of oil of liquids and up to 2 mcf per  now able to pivot the asset towards the current   TechnipFMC awarded
       day of associated gas (net to Echo) that would be  momentum in commodity prices. By signifi-
       expected to be delivered from the well reopen-  cantly increasing production we drive a virtuous   integrated FEED contract
       ing programme, result in up to an additional 600  circle of cash flow strengthening our financial
       boepd of production net to the Company.  position and providing additional potential for   by Equinor for BM-C-33
         With the agreement between the Santa Cruz  future growth. This is underpinned by the strong
       Sur partners as to the Enhancement Plan, the  pipeline of identified opportunities within the   project offshore Brazil
       delivery of the intended operations is expected  Santa Cruz Sur asset base. We look forward to
       to require an estimated $2.1mn (gross to 100%  working with our Partners on this and to fur-  TechnipFMC has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI)
       Santa Cruz Partnership) to deliver in full over  ther update the market as our work programme  with Equinor Energy do Brazil, a subsidiary of
       the entire duration of the Enhancement Plan’s  progresses.”              Equinor, for an integrated Front-End Engineer-
       implementation and, notwithstanding existing   Echo Energy, July 7 2022  ing and Design (iFEED™) study on its BM-C-33
       Santa Cruz Sur joint venture creditor balances                           project offshore Brazil.
       of an estimated (unaudited) circa $13.9m ($9.7m   Equinor extends drilling   The study will finalise the technical solution
       net to Echo’s 70% interest) as at April 30, 2022,                        for the proposed gas and condensate greenfield
       the Santa Cruz Sur partners currently believe   capacity in Brazil with   development in the pre-salt Campos Basin
       that a significant proportion of the cost of the                         before Equinor makes its final investment deci-
       Enhancement Plan can be met from existing,   Valaris DS-17               sion (FID).
       and to be increased, Santa Cruz Sur cash flows.                            The FEED study includes an option to pro-
         In advancing the Enhancement Plan, the  On behalf of the Bacalhau licence partners,  ceed with a direct award to TechnipFMC for
       Santa Cruz Sur partners intend to engage with  Equinor Brazil has awarded Valaris, repre-  the integrated Engineering, Procurement, Con-
       the local province in respect of a proposed exten-  sented by Ensco UK Drilling and Ensco do Bra-  struction and Installation (iEPCI™) phase of the
       sion to the term of the Santa Cruz Sur licences.  sil Petróleo e Gás, a 540-day drilling contract  project.
         This Enhancement Plan is the agreed next  scheduled to start in 2023.    The major iEPCI™ contract would cover the
       step for production growth from Santa Cruz   The Valaris DS-17 drillship has been tasked  entire subsea system, including Subsea 2.0™ tree
       Sur and is focused on low-risk infrastructure  to drill an appraisal well, plug an old exploration  systems, manifolds, jumpers, rigid risers and
       upgrades to sustain the increased production  well and conduct additional drilling scope in  flowlines, umbilicals, pipeline end terminations,
       from existing well stock. In addition, the Santa  Brazil.                and subsea distribution and topside control
       Cruz Sur assets includes a portfolio of other   “Brazil is one of Equinor’s core areas, and  equipment. TechnipFMC would also be respon-
       opportunities across the risk-reward spectrum  Bacalhau is one of our flagship projects inter-  sible for life-of-field services.
       and additional cash flows which would be deliv-  nationally. We are pleased to land an agreement   Jonathan Landes, President, Subsea at Tech-
       ered from the implementation of the Enhance-  with the Valaris, on deliveries from an advanced  nipFMC, commented: “We are excited about
       ment Plan will broaden the scope for portfolio  drillship for this important field. We look for-  this iFEED™ award, which demonstrates our
       choices in bringing additional existing reserves  ward to working with one of the world’s largest  collaborative relationship with Equinor and
       and resources into production.      rig contractors and we have high expectations  their continued confidence in our technolo-
         The Company looks forward to continuing to  to their deliveries on safety and efficiency,” says  gies and integrated approach. This integrated
       update shareholders on progress on these plans  Geir Tungesvik, executive vice president for Pro-  project will be the first time Equinor uses our
       throughout this year.               jects, Drilling and Procurement.     Subsea 2.0™ configure-to-order production sys-
         Martin Hull, CEO of Echo, commented: “Fol-  Drilling services and other additional ser-  tems, of which we’re seeing increased customer
       lowing a strong H1-2022 of production, we are  vices such as remotely operated vehicle (ROV),  adoption.”
       pleased to announce an important and material  managed pressure drilling (MPD), casing run-  For TechnipFMC, a “major” contract is over
       step in the Company’s strategy to deliver organic  ning, slop treatment and cuttings handling are  $1.0bn. Order inbound for the iEPCI™ phase of
       growth from the Santa Cruz Sur assets. The abil-  included in the contract. A fuel reduction incen-  the project remains subject to FID and contract
       ity to now materially increase production lev-  tive has also been agreed on.  approval.
       els from Santa Cruz Sur is a result of the right   “The second rig in Bacalhau will expand   TechnipFMC, July 5 2022

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