Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 27 2022
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           in July 2022.
       INVESTMENT                             The latest four-day average production end-
                                           ing on July 3, 2022, was a record 22,376 bpd of
       Petrobras signs                     oil, with a peak production of 26,000 bpd of oil.
                                           To accommodate sales availability, the Company
       agreement with ANP on               expects to maintain production between 18,000
                                           and 19,000 bpd of oil with Brazilian exports
       collection of SIX royalties         increasing until the ongoing Northern Peruvian
                                           Pipeline (ONP) repairs are completed, which is
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  expected by September 2022.
       on October 22, 2021, informs that it signed an   The final Brent oil price for the 719,961-bar-
       agreement today with the National Agency of  rel lifting from Bayovar, announced on June 16,
       Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP)  2022, was $114 per barrel using the average ICE
       relating to the collection of royalties on the oper-  Brent oil price for the final ten days of June 2022,
       ation of the Shale Industrialisation Unit (SIX),  inclusive of usual pricing adjustments, thereby
       located in São Mateus do Sul, state of Paraná, as  finalising true up revenue of approximately  CEO, commented: “PetroTal has now achieved
       well as the concession contract to regulate shale  $53.9mn, which is expected to be received in  its seventh straight quarter of production growth
       research and mining at SIX.         August 2022.                         and has delivered another production record,
         The agreement is subject to judicial homolo-  Total cash at June 30, 2022 was $77.0mn,  growing 21% in the quarter. 11H’s early techni-
       gation and, once homologated, will terminate  including $16.2mn of restricted cash. Estimated  cal assessment estimates it will achieve an invest-
       all judicial and administrative processes related  accounts receivable and accounts payable at the  ment payout by early August 2022 at current
       to the collection of royalties and administrative  quarter end were approximately $88 and $50mn,  Brent oil prices and, like our other wells, help
       fines arising from the mining of oil shale per-  respectively.           deliver a robust free cash flow profile thereafter.
       formed at SIX.                         Perupetro has recently announced that it will  Given our strong liquidity profile we are actively
         The agreement involves the payment of  formally include an addendum in the Block 95  assessing the Company’s ability to put in place
       BRL601mn (value based on June/22) by the  License Contract including the proposed 2.5%  an accretive shareholder return policy upon
       company, already provisioned in Petrobras’  social trust, completing a major administrative  payout of the bonds, which we look forward to
       financial statements.               step for this social initiative.     communicating about later in 2022. We are also
         The decision to adhere to the agreement is   Strong operational execution: Q2-2022 was a  very excited about the agreement to include our
       in line with the risk management policy associ-  strong operational period for the Company, hav-  social trust initiative into the Block 95 petroleum
       ated with the management of contingencies and  ing unconstrained production for the majority  license, thereby accepting the concept into rule
       with the strategy of generating value through the  of the quarter. Production was supported with  of law.”
       negotiation of amounts in dispute.  strong oil rates from wells 8H, 9H, and 10H, each   PetroTal, July 5 2022
       Petrobras, July 1 2022              flowing between 3,000 and 4,000 bpd of oil with
                                           well 11H commencing production on June 30,
                                           2022 at an initial four-day average of 9,550 bpd  PROJECTS & COMPANIES
       PERFORMANCE                         of oil. Well 11H was drilled and completed for an
                                           estimated $13.8mn, which was on budget, and   Touchstone provides update
       PetroTal provides                   with total depth of approximately 4,300 metres,   on status of Cascadura EIA
                                           inclusive of the 1,125-metre horizontal section.
       Q2-2022 operations                  which Petroperu expects to have completed by  Touchstone Exploration has provided a further
                                              The ONP is still undergoing maintenance,
       and liquidity update                September 2022. During this time, the Company  update on the status of the Cascadura Environ-
                                           anticipates restraining approximately 20% of  mental Impact Assessment (EIA) in support of
       Key Highlights: Q2-2022 production averaged  field production which will be restored as 11H’s  an application for a Certificate of Environmental
       approximately 14,500 bpd of oil, a new quarterly  flush production diminishes and as Brazilian  Clearance, which must be approved by the Trin-
       record, representing 7% above revised guidance  exports are increased during this quarter. As a  idad and Tobago Environmental Management
       provided on May 26, 2022, the seventh straight  result, the Company is targeting an overall pro-  Authority (EMA) to conduct development oper-
       quarter of production growth.       duction range of 18,000 to 19,000 bpd of oil for  ations within the Cascadura area in the Com-
         Well 11H was put on production June 30,  the third quarter.            pany’s Ortoire block. Touchstone has an 80%
       2022, and has averaged approximately 9,550   Enhanced liquidity expected in Q3-2022: The  operating working interest in Ortoire block, with
       bpd of oil over its first four producing days with  robust forward free cash flow profile, combined  Heritage Petroleum holding the remaining 20%
       an estimated payout in early August 2022; Well  with the strong June 2022 exit liquidity and the  working interest.
       11H was drilled and completed for an estimated  recently executed Bayovar oil lifting, should   Further to the Company’s announcement
       $13.8mn, on budget, with total depth reaching  minimise the impact of having to temporarily  on June 27, 2022, and in accordance with the
       approximately 4,300 metres inclusive of the  constrain production to manage sales capacity.  EMA’s regulated review process, Touchstone
       horizontal section of 1,125 metres, and was com-  The Company remains on target to execute its  continues to engage with the EMA and respond
       pleted with Autonomous Inflow Control Device  debt repayment strategy in Q4-2022 or Q1-2023,  to its queries to support the Cascadura area EIA
       (AICD) valves.                      which will allow an accretive shareholder return  application. The Company received an initial
         Q2-2022 oil deliveries for export via Brazil  policy to be examined and approved in Q4-2022,  EIA Review and Assessment Report (RAR) from
       were a record estimated 1.15mn barrels (12,600  if it is, as expected, economically viable.  the EMA on May 5, 2022, and responded to the
       bpd of oil) and are expected to further increase   Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker, President and  requests raised on May 15, 2022.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   30•June•2022
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