Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 27 2022
P. 10
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
The project should help to improve the lives of Overall, he added, the pipeline will have a
local people, as well as the country’s economy, he maximum throughput capacity of 120 mmcf
added. It also has the potential to benefit neigh- (3.4 mcm) per day. Gas volumes will rise later,
bouring countries, he stated. in the second phase of the project, he said.
Mallon went on to say that the GTE initiative He also reiterated his view that the GTE pro-
demonstrated ExxonMobil’s commitment to ject, after facing much public scrutiny in the
progress on both commercial and environmen- years leading up to its launch, had successfully
tal fronts. passed every test that it faced and should be
The company must take larger responsibility allowed to advance.
for achieving sustainable development beyond Meanwhile, several Guyanese officials said
oil and gas within the countries where it oper- at the event that they agreed with Mallon’s sen-
ates, he explained. timent about the environmental impact of the
President Ali explained during the gather- project. They each cited studies indicating that
ing that the GTE project would be carried out the project would help reduce emissions stem-
in multiple phases. During the first phase, he ming from power generation significantly.
said, ExxonMobil will deliver 50mn cubic feet Meanwhile, Minister of Natural Resources
(1.42mn cubic metres) per day of gas to shore Vickram Bharrat stressed the opportunities for
with the aim of meeting local demand. It will regional co-operation. He described the GTE
collect the gas from Liza-1 and other fields project as central to Guyana’s aim of becoming
within the Stabroek offshore block and send it an energy hub by establishing a regional energy
via pipeline for delivery to an onshore facility, corridor linking the country to Suriname,
he noted. northern Brazil and French Guiana.
ANP data show gas flaring up in May
BRAZIL’S National Agency of Petroleum, Nat- on the April figure of about 136.77 mcm per day
ural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) has reported that and by 2.4% on the May 2021 figure of about
natural and associated gas flaring rose in May 134.53 mcm per day.
of this year, both in comparison to the previous Likewise, Brazilian producers made less gas
month and in comparison to May 2021. available to the domestic market in the month
According to preliminary ANP data cited of May. According to ANP, they delivered 46.2
by Argus Media, Brazilian oil producers flared mcm per day to the Brazilian market in that
4.5mn cubic metres per day of gas in the month month, down by 11.6% on the April figure of
of May. This figure represents a 65% rise on the about 52.3 mcm per day and by 20.2% on the
April 2022 figure of about 2.73 mcm per day and May 2021 figure of about 57.9 mcm per day.
a 54% rise on the May 2021 figure of about 2.92
mcm per day.
ANP did not comment on the reasons for the
increase in flaring volumes, but it did report that
67.2 mcm per day of gas had been re-injected
into hydrocarbon fields to maintain reservoir
pressure in May. This figure is essentially steady
on the April 2022 figure of 67.6 mcm per day but
is 12.2% above the May 2021 figure of about 59.9
mcm per day.
Re-injection volumes went up year on year
because Brazil needed extra gas to fuel its ther-
mal power plants (TPPs) at this time in 2021,
Argus Media noted. The TPPs were increasing
production to make up for a drought-induced
dip in hydropower generating capacity. These
considerations are not in play this year, as Brazil
has received enough rainfall to fill the reservoirs
needed to keep its hydroelectric power plants
(HPPs) operating at normal levels.
As such, Brazil has been less affected by the
fact that gas production actually declined in
May. ANP data show that the country extracted
131.3 mcm per day in that month, down by 4% Gas flare on Cidade de Sao Vicente FPSO (Photo: Galp)
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 26 30•June•2022