Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 27 2022
P. 12
LatAmOil PERU LatAmOil
At least two of Peru LNG’s five May cargoes changed course en route (Photo: Peru LNG)
The other – the Madrid Spirit, a tanker with a Odebrecht.)
capacity of 135,423 cubic metres – was reported The complex also incorporates a storage
to have changed course in the South Atlantic depot with two 130,000-cubic metre tanks and
Ocean offshore Brazil last week. Both vessels are a 34-inch (860-mm) natural gas pipeline. This
believed to have set a course around the Cape pipe handles gas from fields in the Cusco region
of Good Hope to deliver their LNG to a buyer that are being developed by YPF, the national oil
in Asia. company (NOC) of Argentina, and Spain’s Rep-
The Peru LNG consortium has loaded and sol. The link runs for 408 km from Chiquintirca,
delivered a total of 678 cargoes of LNG since its a town in the Ayacucho region, to the plant.
launch in June 2010. Peru LNG was established by US-based Hunt
The group operates a complex that includes Oil along with three other companies. Equity in
a 4.45mn tonne per year (tpy) gas liquefaction the project is divided between Hunt Oil, with
plant built by Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. (CBI) 50%; SK Energy (South Korea), 20%; Shell (UK),
and a marine terminal constructed by a consor- 20% and Marubeni (Japan), 10%. The partners
tium known as CDB. (This group includes Italy’s spent $3.8bn to build the Pampa Melchorita
Saipem, Luxembourg’s Jan de Nul and Brazil’s complex.
Petroecuador reportedly lifts force majeure
on Oriente crude oil export shipments
ECUADOR’S national oil company (NOC) fuel prices and other economic issues sponsored
Petroecuador has reportedly lifted its decla- by CONAIE, a major umbrella group represent-
ration of force majeure on exports of Oriente ing Ecuador’s indigenous communities. These
crude, its main export grade, as of earlier this demonstrations began on June 13 and were
week. supposed to come to a halt last Friday, follow-
Reuters said on July 7 that it had learned of ing the government’s announcement that it had
the company’s decision by viewing a note signed struck a deal with CONAIE on fuel prices and
earlier this week by Pablo Noboa, Petroecua- other issues.
dor’s international trade manager. It did not Noboa acknowledged in the note that the
say exactly when the note had been written but protests had also disrupted operations related
noted that Noboa had informed clients that the to production and transportation of Napo grade
lifting of force majeure on Oriente crude would crude. As a result of these disturbances, he said,
be effective immediately. the NOC has had to reschedule some of the oil
Petroecuador has seen operations related to cargoes that had previously been scheduled to
the production and transportation of Oriente load and export in July.
crude oil disrupted severely in recent weeks. The Those shipments will be sent at a later time,
disruptions stem from a wave of protests over he commented.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 26 30•June•2022