Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 27 2022
P. 8

LatAmOil                                       VENEZUEL A                                           LatAmOil

       Economists: Higher oil production to drive

       Venezuela’s GDP upward by 8.3% this year

                         VENEZUELA’S GDP is expected to achieve its   would have to maintain double-digit growth
                         fastest rate of growth in the last 15 years in 2022,   rates in order to return its economy to the size
                         largely as a result of rising crude oil production,   that it was in 2012.
                         economists told Bloomberg last week.   The most important sign of improvement has
                           The news agency said last week that its sur-  been a rise in oil production, which has climbed
                         vey of five economists indicated that Vene-  back up to 700,000 barrels per day (bpd) after
                         zuela’s GDP was on track to grow by 8.3% this   a steep decline over the last two years. This has
                         year, up from 1.9% from 2021. This represents   helped the country increase exports at a time
                         an improved outlook, as it had reported after a   when crude oil prices have risen above $100 per
                         conducting a similar survey in December that   barrel, thereby increasing its revenues.
                         GDP growth might amount to 5.2% in 2022.  Guillermo Guerrero, strategist at Emfi
                           The expected uptick is coming in the wake   Group, believes that further growth is likely
                         of a seven-year recession that came to an end   in the event that the US government loosens
                         in 2021. During the recession, which triggered   sanctions on the South American country. “Any
                         hyperinflation and a migration crisis, Venezue-  relaxation of oil industry sanctions would give
                         la’s gross domestic product shrank from $352bn   an important boost to growth,” he said in a note
                         in 2012 to approximately $49bn in 2021.  to clients last week. ™
                           Angel Alvarado, a senior fellow at the Uni-
                         versity of Pennsylvania and founder of the Ven-
                         ezuelan Finance Observatory, observed that
                         while there were positive signs, the country has
                         historically experienced extended periods of
                         recession. This means that Venezuela is recov-
                         ering from a crash rather than flourishing, he
                         argued last week.
                           “The country that has always done poorly is
                         now growing. But when we look at recent his-
                         tory, we see that it’s nothing compared to the lev-
                         els of recession we’ve had,” he explained during
                         a presentation.
                           Alvarado also estimated that Venezuela
                         might see its GDP grow by 11.5% this year.
                         Additionally, he suggested that the country   Venezuelan crude oil production is now back tup to 700,000 bpd (File Photo)

       Unexpected outage forces PdVSA to stop

       gasoline production at Cardon refinery

                         VENEZUELA’S national oil company (NOC)   programme for repairs in the reformer’s reac-
                         PdVSA has halted gasoline production at its   tors,” one of the sources said.
                         second-largest refinery because of unexpected   The sources did not say whether any of the
                         maintenance problems, according to a Reuters   Cardon plant’s other units had been affected, but
                         report.                              they did report that the reformer was expected
                           Five unnamed sources with knowledge of   to remain offline for 18-21 days. This outage will
                         the matter told the news agency last week that   affect gasoline production because the naphtha
                         the shutdown was related to an outage at the   reformer produces high-octane components for
                         310,000 barrel per day (bpd) Cardon refinery’s   that fuel, they explained.
                         naphtha reformer.                      As of press time, PdVSA had not commented
                           “This is an unplanned maintenance   on the matter.

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