Page 16 - DMEA Week 48 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       Egypt’s LNG exports                 vicing work at TE-6, one of the first of two wells
                                              Wellhead inspection and remedial well ser-
       in 8M 2022 exceed                   to be put on production in Phase 1, was also
                                           completed safely in September.
       volume and value of                 ment to the Project Contract effects a reduction
                                              Project Contract Amendment: The amend-
       exports for all of 2021             of the operating day rate of the plant by $3,000
                                           to a revised $38,000 per day over its 10-year
       Egypt’s LNG exports for the first eight months  term, an approximate 7% reduction. The reduc-
       (January-August) of the current year exceeded  tion in the operating day rate represents savings
       the volume and value of exports for all of 2021,  of $1.1mn per year to the project, and $11mn
       Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla has said.  over the 10-year term. Additionally, the Parties
         Egypt exported 8mn tonnes of LNG generat-  have agreed to exercise their best endeavours to
       ing $5.08bn in revenues in the first eight months  execute an option agreement under which the
       of 2022, compared to 7mn tonnes of LNG ($3.9  Company will have the right (but not the obliga-  additional value upside from the micro-LNG
       revenues) exported in the full year 2021. The  tion) to acquire the micro-LNG facilities, or the  development.”
       European Union was the primary overseas  entity owning and leasing the facilities, after five   Sound Energy, November 29 2022
       destination for Egypt’s LNG, absorbing 90% of  years of operation for a sum of circa $9.15mn, a
       exports in the first eight months of the current  reduction of $1.5mn from the previous “option
       year, up from 80% over 2021.        to purchase” sum agreed in principle between  PETROCHEMICALS
         Egypt has become a major LNG exporter  the Parties.
       over the past few years, with export volumes   In return for the Contractor agreeing a reduc-  Morocco’s fertiliser
       increasing by 44% y/y in fiscal year (July-June)  tion in the operating day rate under the Project
       2021/22 as 84 shipments of liquefied natural gas  Contract, the Contractor will be paid by the   group OCP sees revenues
       were exported from the gas liquefaction plants in  Concession owners (Sound Energy, 75% work-
       Idku and Damietta.                  ing interest) additional staged payments of an   surge 55% y/y to reach
       bna/IntelliNews, November 29 2022   aggregate of $6.5mn during the construction
                                           phase, in doing so providing the Company with   $8.3bn in 9M 2022
       Sound Energy provides               the right to own the permanent on-site LNG   Morocco’s fertiliser group OCP saw a 55% y/y
                                           storage tank facility once the plant is commis-
       update on Phase 1                   sioned and LNG production starts. These staged  surge in revenue in the first nine months of this
                                           payments, which are intended to be borne pro  year to MAD 89.5bn ($8.26bn) on increased
       micro-LNG development               rata by all of the Tendrara Production Con-  sales across the group’s product categories due
                                           cession JV partners, will be presented to the  to favourable market conditions, OCP said in a
       onshore Morocco                     December Tendrara Concession Management  statement on Tuesday, November 29.
                                                                                  The group said that its sales of phosphate rock
                                           Committee Meeting (the TMCM), with the ini-
       Sound Energy, the energy transition company,  tial payment likely to be advanced to the Con-  increased by 74% y/y in the January-September
       has provided a progress update on its Phase 1  tractor in full by the Company on behalf of the  period, while its sales of phosphoric acid were
       micro-LNG development and has announced  JV partners ahead of the TMCM from proceeds  down by 6% y/y due to lower export volumes to
       an amendment to the project contract entered  of the Company’s existing project debt facility,  Europe and India.
       into between Italfluid Geoenergy and Sound  which is in place with Afriquia Gaz SA. The LNG   Fertiliser sales rose by 68% y/y as prices
       Energy’s wholly owned subsidiary, Sound  storage tank will remain part of the Operation  increased since the start of the year, despite the
       Energy Morocco East Ltd (SEMEL), in respect  and Maintenance responsibility of the Contrac-  gradual decline since July due to lower demand
       of the design, procurement, construction, oper-  tor over the life of the Project Contract.  from key markets, especially Brazil, as well as
       ation and maintenance of Tendrara Concession   Graham Lyon, Sound Energy’s Executive  high inventory levels.
       micro-LNG facilities onshore Morocco. The  Chairman, commented: “We are working   The group’s earnings before interest, taxes,
       Contractor was previously provided with Notice  closely with the Contractor to ensure the project  depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA)
       to Proceed under the Project Contract, as con-  remains on track to meet the joint venture’s deliv-  improved to 48% in the nine-month period,
       firmed by the Company on February 16, 2022.  ery obligations to Afriquia Gaz under the LNG  compared to 42% in the same period last year.
         Phase 1, Micro-LNG Development: Progress  sale and purchase agreement. The restructuring  This allowed the group to redirect its exports to
       Update: Good progress continues to be made  of the payment structure under the Project Con-  high-growth markets
       on the Company’s Phase 1 micro-LNG devel-  tract increases our alignment with Italfluid dur-  Fertiliser provided 65% of total sales at the
       opment, with construction of the LNG storage  ing the construction and commissioning phase  end of September, up from 60% during the same
       tank ongoing and wellhead work undertaken.  whilst notably facilitating a valuable reduction  period last year. South America, Asia and Africa
       Work on the LNG storage tank has included site  in the operating day rate of the facility of some  accounted for 87% of the group’s exports.
       preparation, excavation for the tank foundation,  $1.1mn per annum over the 10-year contract.   OCP invested MAD15.22mn ($1.4mn) to
       laying the concrete base for the tank foundation,  Additionally, under the ‘option to purchase’  expand operations in the same period, nearly
       laying reinforcing bar and installing the rein-  agreement, which we expect to agree and execute  double the amount it invested a year earlier.
       forced concrete columns on the base, of which  in the coming weeks, the proposed reduction of   Morocco holds 75% of the globe’s reserves
       there are 60 in total and each 4 metres high. Once  the purchase price of the facility (or operating  of phosphate rock, a main element in fertiliser
       complete, the tank will stand 24 metres high and  company, as the case may be) provides a valu-  production.
       be 22 metres in diameter.           able opportunity for Sound Energy to access   bna/IntelliNews, December 1 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   01•December•2022
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