Page 11 - DMEA Week 48 2022
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Iraq’s crude sales price has averaged $97 a barrel aiming to resume exports from KAAOT’s SPMs
so far this year, he added. by the end of 2023. When operations resume,
The MoO is also pursuing plans to boost oil the terminal is anticipated to operate at around
production to 5.0-5.5mn bpd by 2028, Saadoon 400,000 bpd, down from its 600,000 bpd capac-
said. Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Su- ity prior to going offline.
dani had said on November 12 that the country In March, BOC said that the pipeline over-
was producing 4.652mn bpd. haul is part of efforts to increase crude export
The state-owned Basra Oil Co. (BOC) has capacity from the southern ports to 6mn bpd by
been working to rehabilitate two pipelines 2026. This will include the laying of two 48-inch
that feed the Khor al-Amaya Oil Terminal (1,066-mm) pipelines as well as the construction
(KAAOT). Ruptures in the conduits forced the and installation of new SPM facilities, with BOC
terminal to go offline in 2017 and only return preparing a tender worth around $1bn that will
to operations briefly in the intervening period. be opened up to international companies.
A contractor has been hired to find and repair Iraq’s current export capacity from its south-
the fault, while a third pipe is to be installed, ern oil terminals is around 3.4mn bpd.
Mozambique LNG docks cargo ship at
port once held by Islamist insurgents
AFRICA A cargo vessel belonging to Mozambique a site near Mocimboa da Praia where it is build-
LNG, a consortium led by the French major ing a gas processing factory in March 2021, after
TotalEnergies, has docked in a town in northern Islamist militants attacked a nearby town. In its
Mozambique where intense fighting had halted capacity as leader of the Mozambique LNG con-
commercial activities in the area for years. sortium, it declared force majeure on the $20bn
The ship, according to reports from BBC project, which is the largest foreign investment
and AFP, was carrying fuel, vehicles and other commitment made in Africa to date.
equipment and docked at the Port of Mocimboa The insurgency has been running since
da Praia in Cabo Delgado Province on Tuesday, October 2017, killing 4,422, according to con-
November 29. It was the first to arrive in the flict tracker ACLED, and displacing more than
town in the last three years, the BBC noted. 800,000 people. Work at some local mines has
Cabo Delgado’s Governor Valige Tuabo said also been disrupted by the conflict.
during a ceremony marking the reopening of A joint force from member states of the
the port that the resumption of operations was a Southern African Development Community
result of the restoration of security and the con- (SADC) and a contingent from Rwanda have
fidence of the partners to continue to invest and helped government troops regain broad control
develop the region. of the territory in Cabo Delgado. However, the
TotalEnergies’ country chair for Mozam- rebels continue to hit targets and flee.
bique Maxime Rabilloud, who was also present Islamist insurgents seized Mocimboa da
at the event, reaffirmed that his company would Praia two years ago, but Mozambican forces,
continue to support the government and private supported by Rwandan soldiers, took it back in
sector in rebuilding the province. August 2021. Authorities started helping civil-
The French major suspended operations at ians to return to the town on June 9, 2022.
The cargo ship was the first vessel to dock in Pemba in three years (Image: TVM)
Week 48 01•December•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11