Page 15 - DMEA Week 48 2022
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business new europe bne/IntelliNews
The New products and Solutions include Sol- take cognizance of new capabilities in-country companies established between ConocoPhil-
ewant SSPC and Paints products, Solewant/ by allowing contracting and procurement teams lips and QatarEnergy to participate in the North
SCOPEX Academy and Solewant’s made in to visit these facilities to keep themselves abreast Field East (NFE) and North Field South (NFS)
Nigeria steel pipe. of latest developments in local content. projects, and the buyer is a wholly owned sub-
The unveiling ceremony was performed last “I implore all stakeholders to continue to sidiary of ConocoPhillips.
week by the Executive Secretary of NCDMB, position themselves for these opportunities by First delivery is expected in 2026 to the
Simbi Kesiye Wabote and he described Sole- investing in capabilities and forming tangible recently announced German LNG Terminal at
want Group as a champion of the Local Content technical alliances and I want to re-assure SOL- Brunsbüttel.
policy. EWANT and other stakeholders in the industry Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Minister of State
The Content Board chieftain was repre- that NCDMB will continue to identify with your for Energy Affairs, and President and CEO of
sented by the Director, Monitoring and Eval- growth and implement policies that protect your QatarEnergy, and Ryan Lance, chairman and
uation Directorate, Akintunde Adelana and investments,” he said. chief executive officer of ConocoPhillips, signed
he expressed delight that Solewant is ready to In his speech, the Managing Director of Sol- the LNG sale and purchase agreements during
showcase capacity and competence in their area ewant Group, Solomon Ewanehi, said his com- a special ceremony held at QatarEnergy’s head-
of specialisation. pany is fully committed to complying with the quarters in Doha in the presence of senior exec-
“Solewant has shown what can be done in provisions of the oil and gas industry policy as utives from both companies.
steel pipe production and pipe coating solutions championed by NCDMB. “QatarEnergy and ConocoPhillips are excited
as shown in their plant. Their facility is number He said Solewant is helping the country to for the opportunity to responsibly and securely
one. Confidence in ourselves is a major challenge unlock its energy resources by increasing its pro- supply world markets with LNG from the Qatari
and Solewant believes it can do it. Today they are duction capacity and integrating more Nigerians expansion projects,” said Ryan Lance. “These
doing it,” he said. in the supply chain. agreements will provide an attractive LNG
He pointed out that vendors in the business Ewanehi added that 95% of the raw materi- offtake solution for our new joint ventures with
of supplying equipment to the Nigerian Oil and als in producing steel pipes are sourced locally, QatarEnergy and position the joint ventures as
Gas Industry must comply with the Board’s noting that local production does not amount to reliable sources of LNG supply into Europe.”
Equipment Component Manufacturing Initi- lowering quality or standards. “This is the culmination of efforts between
ative (ECMI) and obtain the Nigerian Content NCDMB, December 1 2022 two trusted partners, QatarEnergy and Cono-
Equipment Certificate (NCEC) issued by the coPhillips, over many years, to provide reliable
Board. and credible LNG supply solutions to customers
He further disclosed that the Board houses REFINING & FUELS across the globe, and today, to German end-con-
about 9,000 service companies registered in the sumers,” said Minister Al-Kaabi. “Germany is
NOGIC-JQS offering diverse services including ConocoPhillips and the largest gas market in Europe, with significant
Engineering, Fabrication, Procurement, Drilling demand in the industrial, power, and household
services, Logistics, Exploration and Seismic ser- QatarEnergy agree to sectors, and we are committed to contribute to
vices, Installation and Commissioning, Inspec- the energy security of Germany and Europe at
tion and Testing, Project Management, Finance provide reliable LNG large.”
and Insurance and many others as listed in the Through its joint ventures with QatarEn-
Schedule of NOGICD Act (2010). supply to Germany ergy, ConocoPhillips holds a 3.125% interest
Adelana informed that the Board was deter- in the NFE project and a 6.25% interest in the
mined to improve the patronage of in-country ConocoPhillips and QatarEnergy today NFS project. The company has agreed to termi-
manufacturing facilities and had a policy on pro- announced the signing of two agreements to nal services for a 15-year period at the German
curement of bare line pipes. supply long-term liquefied natural gas (LNG) LNG Terminal.
He enjoined stakeholders of the industry to to Germany. The suppliers are joint venture ConocoPhillips, November 29 2022
Week 48 01•December•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15