Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Rising oil production
                                                                                                  and crude prices are
                                                                                                  boosting Alberta’s

       Alberta forecasts first budget surplus

       in eight years amid rising oil prices

        ALBERTA          THE Canadian province of Alberta is expecting  demand and ongoing supply challenges.
                         a budget surplus in the 2022-23 fiscal year as   “In 2022 Alberta’s economy will fully recover
                         rising oil prices and growing production boost  from the contraction that first started in 2014
                         provincial resource revenue. The surplus will be  and we will lead the nation in economic growth,”
                         the first since the 2014-15 fiscal year, prior to the  Toews said. He added, though, that the province
                         recent oil price downturns, which hit Alberta  was working to diversify its economy and reduce
                         hard.                                its reliance on commodities in the wake of recent
                           Alberta Minister of Finance Travis Toews  volatility.                    The turnaround
                         said this week that the province anticipated a   Oil and gas accounts for around 17% of
                         surplus of CAD500mn ($393mn) in the 2022-  Alberta’s GDP. The province anticipates receiv-  in the province’s
                         23 fiscal year, which begins on April 1, up from a  ing CAD13.8bn ($10.8bn) in resource revenue
                         CAD3.2bn ($2.5bn) deficit in the current fiscal  in 2022-23, up from CAD13.2bn ($10.4bn) in  financial fortune
                         year. This year’s deficit has been revised down  2021-22. It expects to receive bitumen royalties
                         significantly from a forecast of CAD18.2bn  of CAD10.3bn ($8.1bn) in 2022-23.  comes at a
                         ($14.3bn) made a year ago.             The turnaround in the province’s financial   welcome time for
                           Looking further ahead, Alberta is also fore-  fortune comes at a welcome time for Alberta
                         casting surpluses of CAD900mn ($707mn)  Premier Jason Kenney, who faces a leadership   Alberta Premier
                         in 2023-24 and CAD700mn ($550mn) in  review by the United Conservative Party (UCP)
                         2024-25. The provincial government has also  in April. Kenney has come under fire for his han-  Jason Kenney.
                         pledged to balance its budget for the next three  dling of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
                         years.                               and has seen his approval rating fall. By mid-Jan-
                           The government based its 2022-23 budget  uary 2022, his approval rating had slumped to
                         assumptions on an average US crude price of  26%.
                         $70 per barrel. Currently, West Texas Inter-  People attending the review will vote on
                         mediate (WTI) prices are trading above $91  whether they approve of Kenney. If a majority
                         per barrel, but briefly topped $100 per barrel  votes ‘no’, a leadership race will be triggered
                         on February 24 following the start of Russia’s  immediately. Kenney will therefore have to
                         attack on Ukraine. Even prior to the attack on  hope that the province’s improved financial
                         Ukraine, though, analysts had increasingly  performance will help shore up support within
                         been forecasting higher oil prices amid rising  his party.™

       Week 08   24•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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