Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Chevron to pursue upstream asset

       certification, carbon capture investment

        US               TWO  separate  announcements  made  by  24 categories included in its TrustWell standard.
                         Chevron over the past few days illustrate the   Chevron anticipates the TrustWell certifi-
                         super-major’s increasing focus on cleaner forms  cation process starting in the first half of the
                         of energy.                           year. Depending on the ratings it earns, it then
                           On February 23, the company announced  expects to start delivering RSG to the market by
                         that it would partner with Project Canary in  mid-2022.
                         a pilot scheme to certify the operational and   In the second announcement, Chevron
                         environmental performance of some of its US  said Carbon Clean’s technology was designed
                         upstream assets. A day later, it also said it had  to reduce the costs and physical footprint of
                         invested into Carbon Clean, which specialises in  carbon capture. The technology is modular,
                         carbon capture technology.           and Chevron added that it was also aimed at
                           “Chevron is focused on delivering reliable,  reducing site disruption and facilitating faster
                         lower-carbon energy to a growing world. We aim  permitting.
                         to achieve this through innovation, both in our   The new investment follows an initial one
                         application of technology, and in our approach  into Carbon Clean that Chevron made in 2020.
                         to how we design and run our operations,” Chev-  The new investment will be directed to the devel-
                         ron’s president of North America exploration  opment of a carbon capture pilot for Carbon
                         and production, Steve Green, said as part of the  Clean’s CycloneCC technology on a gas turbine   The super-major
                         first announcement.                  in San Joaquin Valley, California.
                           Chevron is the latest of several major US pro-  This comes as Chevron targets storing 25mn   will deploy
                         ducers to partner with Project Canary, which  tonnes per year (tpy) of carbon dioxide (CO2)
                         specialises in emissions monitoring and certifi-  by the end of this decade, with a focus on devel-  Canary X units
                         cation. In its statement, Chevron said that Pro-  oping regional hubs that leverage its existing and
                         ject Canary’s TrustWell certification programme  emerging partnerships.    at certain well
                         would be used to review and analyse aspects of   “Chevron’s investment demonstrates interest   pads to carry
                         the environmental and social performance of  in our technology, business strategy and rapidly
                         certain wells in the Permian and Denver-Jules-  expanding order book. We are seeking to deliver   out continuous
                         burg (DJ) basins.                    a revolution in carbon capture driven by our
                           The super-major will deploy Canary X units  modular technology and are thrilled that Chev-  monitoring of
                         at certain well pads to carry out continuous  ron shares our vision for the sector,” stated Car-
                         monitoring of their methane emissions.  bon Clean’s co-founder and CEO, Aniruddha   their methane
                           The use of certification is rising as produc-  Sharma. “We are working to remove the biggest   emissions.
                         ers seek to demonstrate that their output is  barriers to the adoption of widespread indus-
                         responsibly sourced. In particular, the concept  trial carbon capture. It is vital that we decarbon-
                         of responsibly sourced gas (RSG) has emerged  ise hard-to-abate sectors while developing new
                         and has become more prominent over the past  low-carbon technologies. This latest investment
                         year. Several other certifications are also prov-  and our work with partners such as Chevron will
                         ing relatively popular, but Project Canary says  provide us with the opportunity to deliver expo-
                         it has the most comprehensive standards in the  nential growth in carbon capture and meet ever
                         industry, with more than 600 data points across  rising demand.”™

       Week 08   24•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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